Yesterday my wife and I looked at pornography together. There, I said it. Now, let me say this. It was not on purpose. It was totally by accident, for who would have thought that (no, I’m not going to create a link) would be a porno web site! I mean, seriously, poopstain? If your bored, feeling like doing something dirty, and (for me as a Christian) deciding to do something wrong and you think “hey, I’m going to look at some naked women. Hmmm, what should I search for? No. How about! Yeah, that’s got to have some hot slutty women on it! Yeah, that’s the ticket!” Is that the thought process?
With all that said, I must clear two things up. First off, we closed the page as quickly as we opened it. Secondly, yes, we did purposely type in poopstain in the web address window. Why? I would answer your question with a question of my own, why not? It seems to be the next logical step after one has typed in “”, “”, and “”…do you like us less now?
Why Not?
I might loose some of my constituents because of what I am about to say, but I feel as though I must.
…That is such a Jess & Ryan thing to do. Kind of like the dried dog pucker. Not shocking at all… does that make you like me less?
I think I might like you more. Did you try ?
On and unrelated note, I would like to point out that I have 3,618 hits on my site. I mean, not to brag or anything.