I was teasing a friend for sounding plastered or wasted or high or drunk or whatever is the cool new metaphor for being on some drug or for drinking too much alcohol. Everytime I read his blog I came away thinking “Man, he’s drinking too much.” It was more of a joke than anything, his writing style is intriguing and genuine and thought provoking if not confusing. I say all this simply to say, read these words:
I just need to make sure I am not mocking or cursing him, because, in reality, we
are all beside Jesus on the cross, and our legs will be broken and our lungs
with fill with our ownbodilyy fluids, and we all die cursing Jesus for not making
life pleasant, or shake with sordid anticipation of that paradise that he
promised, even if life now or then isn’t what we thought it should be.

In the greater context of his blog it makes more sense. But I like that picture. There were two criminals. Both new the outcome. One cursed and died, the other begged for mercy. One found hope in the situation, the other found death. One looked at Jesus with hatred, the other looked at him as savior.

5 thoughts on “

  1. We tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was still doing ministry even while on the cross. I tend to forget about ministry while I'm carrying my cross, which is the opposite of what Christ called us to do.

  2. I think its a good thought, we really only have two choice when it comes to getting the cross. Screw You or I'm with you. It reminds me of people who say Jesus was a "GOOD TEACHER" but not a messiah. I try to explain a "GOOD TEACHER" who says he is God's Son is nutso or God's Son there is no room in that idea for just being a good guy. Maybe that's why we need crosses in life, No room for the middle we have got to choose….

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