Strange thoughts

Strange thought #1
You know all those weird questions like…if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? or…why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? All those questions are over used and somewhat old. I don’t want to step on toes, but who really cares. Here is the real question that needs answering: If a kiss doesn’t have a smack sound, is it still a kiss? Try it. Try kissing someone (or the back of your hand if you must) without having any sort of sound. It’s completely unsatisfying!
Strange thought #2
I can’t play a single instrument. Back when I was 12 I was in a class learning to play the trumpet. There were about 15 people in the class of varying ages and differing instruments. I and three others guys chose to play the trumpet. It was pretty cool at first, but then I fell behind. Way behind. So behind that I started only pretending to play the trumpet. Sure, I would press the buttons (buttons? Are they called buttons?), and sure my cheeks would puff up with air. But if you listened and paid close attention you would find that no sound came out of my trumpet. If you paid close attention you’d notice that no spit came out when I pretended to empty the spit valve thing. If you had paid close attention, you’d notice that I fake very well. All I could do was look at the kid next to me out of the corner of my eye and try to press the same buttons as him to play hot cross buns or some other worthless song. I quit playing the trumpet very quickly. Now days my wife and I play an assortment of instruments. We play the air guitar, I play like the young beatles and she plays like a rock star. We play the air cymbals, at which I’m particularly good at. Jess’ forte is playing the air big band drum (what’s it called?). Sometimes we venture to play the air triangle, the air xylophone, air sax, flute, any instrument really even including the occasional oboe. We’ve actually thought seriously about starting a family band and touring the mountain side…
Not so Strange thought #3
We got our new really nice camera. I am very happy and pleased. I feel like a photographer. My wife is a photographer. Here’s a candid shot she took of Jones in our house with poor lighting and a quick trigger finger: I love my wife and my son and my new camera (in that order).

12 thoughts on “Strange thoughts

  1. Thank you for having a chubb baby. They are the best. I get angry when parents dont fatten up their babies, thats what they are for, for goodness sake… he is the perfect popcorn beef spokesman too btw.

  2. awesome picture!! i want a nice camera . . . sigh . . .also, i used to play the air guitar (after 2 years of real guitar lessons and nothing learned) . . . last night i picked up the husband's guitar and said, "show me something!" within about 3 minutes, he had be playing "knocking on heaven's door" . . . yes, it is only 3 chords, but it is a start. i think there is hope for us "fakers" yet . . . did your parents pay for those lessons?

  3. I have two problems. One, I want a camera like yours or better, so I need you to e-mail me info about it. And, two, my son used my computer today and I feel as though I 'm looking through a magnifying glass. I don't know what he messed with but it's pissing me off and I can't see more than half a page at a time.

  4. Thats really funny. JOnes the other day pressed a few buttons on my computer that made all the fonts online really huge. Nothing else, just the fonts. I dont' know how you do that?! Especially with the click of one or two buttons.Here are two links. One is to where i bought the camera (they have new and refurbished ones) and the other is a link to info about this camera…

  5. Oh, but we paid less than what it's priced at right now. I would suggest looking on pricegrabber or froogle and working from there. But beware and use the better business beureu before buying. We almost got screwed and I've read that in the camera industry more than any other there are lots o' scam artist.peace out again

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