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Did you hear about how President Bush accidentally made fun of a blind guy? Yeah, pretty hilarious if you ask me. I mean, it actually makes me like Bushie more. He’s just an every day guy who was teasing a reporter who was wearing sun glasses when there was no sun. If I were the pres I think I’d make the same kind of jokes. It’d be funny…that is, unless he was blind. Oops.
My son was playing in the Q-tip drawer in the bathroom the other day. It’s his new favorite place to be when exploring our restroom. While I was supervising him I decided it would be an opportune time to go pee. Do you know that my son can, in an instant, race across our bathroom and climb up on the toilet if he has a reason to do so? I started screaming “Jess! Jess! Help me quick! Come get Jones.” I was trying to keep the stream inside the rim, trying to hold off Jones, trying to keep his hands from the stream, trying to get him to stop sucking the rim, trying to stop peeing (a difficult task indeed)…to make a short story short. Jess rescued us and we sanitized his whole body as best we could. I felt dirty after that moment.
I’ve been reading the Great Gatsby. Good book. I want to read a book that challenges me as a human being, as a Christian, as a father, or something like that. Got any suggestions?
This Sunday at Renovatus we are doing something that we try to do four times a year that we call worship stations. On those Sundays most of our worship time is spent in self guided worship. A handful of people at the church create different “stations” that will give people an opportunity to worship. Often it is meditative or thought provoking, or other times it is something that leads to action or creative expression. This Sundays theme is lament. Hmm…it’s going to be interesting. Worship Station sunday is always an adventure. I love them. You should visit on Sunday.
Saturday is the day. It’s is, at this point, the most important day in the world cup so far. Congrats to Rolo about Ecuador’s victory. I hope they go far. But tommorow the fate of the US and of Portugal are on the line. If the US doesn’t win they might as well go home. If the US doesn’t at least score, come up with a tie, and nearly win, they will be an embarassment. Portugal on the other hand is pretty much guaranteed a spot in the next round. However, against Angola they played like a bunch of weiners. If they don’t look better against Iran, if they don’t play like a team, play with engergy, play with heart, play smart and motivated, it will not matter whether they win or not ’cause they’ll be out in the next round…and that would be a massive failure. Tomorrow they must prove that they’re as good as the sum of their parts (unlike England at this point). Enough said.
Thats all I’ve got for now. Peace out bros and sissies
that video is funny for real.
May Portugal play as well as Ecuador. And may the US not embarrass us too badly.Viva Ecuador and Portugal.
oh, and I think it would be nice to hear some stories about your son that doesn't consist of him playing with his poop or peeing on himself or your bedding. Maybe you should try putting a diaper on the kid, i hear those are very effective to prevent this sort of thing. but I am not a parent, who am i to judge.
yeah, liam's favorite thing is the toilet too. he loves to lick it when we're not looking or he likes to play in the water when we leave the lid up…
ok. I just watched it. It seems as though Dub knows Peter (this Peter, not the other Peter). I know he doesn't, because he apologizes later, but… it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Clearly, the President is not reading my blog. I will stop there because I plan to write a Dear Mr. President. It's interesting that your son did none of this while I was there (except for the PlayDoo Incident)… I think that he is just acting out because Aunt Troll isn't there. Think about it Ry. Think about it.P.S. I think golf is on, so I'm going to go watch FIGJAM go hit a couple balls…. (I'll explain FIGJAM at a later date)… sorry World Cup. Rich Man's Game takes priority over you.
I read an article about Bush's opps moment. I guess he like gives nicknames to the reporters and messes around with them and all that. So I guess him teasing one of them about the glasses is pretty normal.
go ghana!!! that was AWESOME. off to watch the US. it's odd, you know? wearing my "everyone loves an italian girl," shirt, with my son wearing his italian jeresy (inzaghi on the back), but rooting for the US. odd odd odd.
i know this is not a soccer post, but HOLY COW. i REALLY wish they'd stop saying "it was a make up call." you make up for BAD calls, not GOOD calls. that elbow to the eye deserved a red card. period. the tackle did NOT. yes, a yellow, as he clearly did not go for the ball, but that was in NO way shape or form a LATE tackle. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. this game is making me have adrenaline.
p.s. praise jesus for half time. coooool down, RM, coooool down.
stupid official. i hate him. in a loving christian way, of course.
I'll take a tie. It gives us continued hope. Now we must wait and see what happens.
I agree with you totally RM. I was feelig the same thing. I really liked when Italian guy BLATANTLY throws the elbow and then says "Hey! Whata did I do-a?" Seriously, dude… we all saw it. I also liked it when the commentators were saying that they really hope that this is the bad official's last game. Good show. I was hoping US lost
is that un-patriotic of me? Will The Man be coming for me?
Inside Out by Dr. Larry Crabb is a seriously challenging book. Tracey Ries (Bryan's wife)
Remember when you were telling the Jones/Toilet/PeePee story and Jess tried, through her mouthful of food, to sing "He's a maniac, MAniac on the floor!"? Classic. I can still picture Jones dancing in your pee stream.
So… how cool are you– getting a comment from West Africa? That's like the ghetto/ gangsta side of Africa… I have Stacy, you have Ben's brother's sister's cousin's friend. You rawk. (notice the absense of the sarcasm mark. that means it's for reals, yo.)
you PEE'D on your son!!?!?!??!?!
I've seen him pee on his son at least 4 times….in the past month.
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