
Even in the midst of dark times a glimmer of light shines forth. Yesterday when we took Jones to Urgent Care again, God graciously added a little bit of extra joy into our lives. It came in the form of a turkey. A turkey magazine, that is. It’s called Turkey Call and it’s published by the National Wild Turkey Federation (yeah, thats no joke). It’s a bimonthly publication dedicated to hunting, preparing, and eating turkeys. Here are some excerpts from this all-too-wonderful magazine:

  • Birds often come in unannounced, catching a hunter off guard. Never rush a shot in this circumstance; let the bird work to you for the right shot.
  • “How Did I miss” is a particularly good article.
  • Make your plans to attend! NWTF’s 31st annual Turkey Camp 2007! Gov. Mike Huckabee will be leading worship, T. Bubba Bechtol leads the welcome party, and NRA president Sandy Froman highlights the federal breakfast. You’ll even get a chance to meet the legends!!!
  • October is national Will Month. For info on how to include the National WIld Turkey Federation in your planning contact…
  • “Overcoming Obstacles” is another well written article about difficult obstacles such as fallen trees and barbed wire.
  • “I’m not going to lie to you, when turkey season ends, I go into depression.”
  • Taken from the article here are a few of the “8 reasons why you should hunt turkeys”: because you can. double your fun. hunt with man’s best friend. Exact revenge. The ultimate challenge.
  • %76 said that, yes, they did use an all-terrain vehicle for turkey hunting this year.
  • I didn’t read this article, but it looked good: “Crafting Turkey Tools from Deer Antlers”

enough said?

11 thoughts on “Turkey

  1. I Googled "Turkey Call" and came up with a web page called "Midwest Turkey Call Supply". How long has this madness been going on? Maybe since the pilgrims and the indians sat down together for that first thanksgiving, and shared turkey, stove top stuffing, and canned cranberry sauce.

  2. Otherwise known as the indian massacre. But let's call it thanksgiving because it sounds like it really was the party we play it up to be.Last time I was at the e-room all I could do was breathe in and out, in and out, in and out, praying for the pain to subside. Little did I know what I was missing. On the other hand, I have seen the magazines in doctors' offices around here and all there are are cowhand, horse, and cattle magazines. Not pleasant. I've seen plenty of cows and horses so I really don't need to look at pictures of them, too.

  3. "Birds often come in unannounced, catching a hunter off guard. Never rush a shot in this circumstance; let the bird work to you for the right shot." dick c should have read that magazine or he might not have shot his friend in the face . . .

  4. i just watched a movie where someone's husband read cat fancy… but I don't remember what it was… it was either Failure to Launch or Intolerable Cruelty because those are the only 2 new movies I have witnessed.But what i really came here to say is that I once dated a guy who was a Turkey hunter. As you can imagine, he was a real cool guy…. Sometimes when Johnathan posts a comment in that form, it makes me think of "Hey. I like what you had to say. Go here for more information!"I think Johnathan might be Anon…. just a guess.

  5. Arwen…about Jonathans comment, I agree. Totally thought that link was going to take me to an ad or some porn. Or maybe an ad for some porn.

  6. Jonathans link did take me to porn. Am I the only one?I can't believe that you've met Guv Huckabee! Thats amazing. Simply amazing.

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