Preacher Man

I’m trying to to hone the craft of preaching (I don’t usually call it preaching, usually I just refer to it as teaching or speaking, but in the end who really cares?). I’m trying to be very purposeful in my learning and development of this art form. As a general rule in the past I just spoke. I prepared and spoke. I thought very little about the way in which I spoke or the way in which I tried to approach the Scripture from which I was speaking. Pretty much I would try to figure out what the Bible was saying in that particular place and then I would attempt to communicate that idea to the group.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve taken multiple preaching classes in college. I’ve learned some of the “scholarly” stuff about speaking (not that I remember any of it!): different approaches, forms, theories, etc. I’ve spent time creating a well thought out Craddock-style “overhearing the gospel” sermon and all that. But it’s not me. Those kinds of sermons are polished. I don’t prefer Polish. Those kinds of sermons can seem showy. I don’t prefer show.
So now I’m wanting to grow up, to learn, to really develop a style or form or way to speak that is effective for me and for the community at large. Something that is effective and fits who I am and whom I want to communicate to.

Here’s what I see:
Some people when they speak read from the Text and give running commentary. They go verse by verse and give thoughts to go with it. At the end they then give the application.

Some people preach from illustrations. Though the message is directly connected to Scripture the way in which people understand the message is through the illustrations. Illustrations play the primary role in the message.

Some people kind of just talk. In the end you’re not sure about the direction that they took (i.e. you don’t remember any specific points or a flow) but you enjoyed what you heard and feel like you’ve left with something important. It’s more of a conversation (though you’re not actually talking on the other end).

Some people use humor.

Some people try to grab your emotions and tug at your heart strings.

Some people try to keep your attention through well crafted “tricks”. I don’t mean “tricks” in a bad way, but rather as a means to keep the lesson interesting or to make the final point more memorable. You make everyone think that you’re going one direction but then just when you’ve hooked ’em you switch it…something like that.

Some people preach straight from their powerpoint.

Some people jump around from verse to verse all over the Bible. It’s all on the same theme but it encompasses the whole gamut of Scripture.

I’ve tried to couch all these in positive light. I think whatever works works. These were all off the top of my head and in no way are considered a full list. My question is this, what do you enjoy listening to? What forms generally leave you wanting to change your lifestyle? What sermons/talks/lessons teach you the most about God, spirituality, etc? What types help you to have a greater understanding of the Word?

…in other words…what types of preaching do you prefer? Why?

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I like the way that one guy at your church talks... I can't remember his name... I think it's something like Kevin or... Oh I don't know. But I really do like the way he tells a story and you just get to listen and laugh and think about the story and THEN he tells you how it relates and it works. When that guy talks, I start off thinking "Wow... how can someone have so many experiences that fit so perfectly into what he's talking about?" but then you/ I start thinking about my own experiences and it works. But I've also heard other ones that are BIG and SHOWY and those are good too. I think it really depends on the person talking. I don't like the word preach. It sounds too much... better than me. You know?
I have the hardest time thinking of good stories when I speak. Like when I try really hard I end up just trying to make my talk fit in with the good story that I really want to tell. It kind of defeats the purpose I think. I've also thought about just making up stories all the time and telling them like their true but never actually saying that they are. That way I would be decieving everybody but wouldn't be might be a bad idea and I'm still just mulling it over...on second thought, I just decided it's a bad idea. So long friend. You would have been funny and very applicable to any sermon that I ever gave...but you're gone now. Goodbye.
You can repair a car engine with a cup of bleach water and a toothbrush, if all you require of that engine is for it to look shiny. What is a sermon? What do you think a sermon should do? The answer(s) to those questions might help you make some decisions about style and methods of sermon preparation and delivery. Or they might not.
I'm really trying to figure out how powerpoint and other media should fit in to our presentation of the Word. That being said, here is the best powerpoint presentation I have ever seen.Unfortunately, it is about tech stuff which means that the powerpoint wisdom could be hard to extract.Here are some links to other great speakers in the business world. Though the application only runs so far, I think it is good to find examples of wisdom and excellence in different fields.
I think there's something to be said for all of the styles you mentioned. Variety is nice sometimes, but only if it fits the style of the teacher/preacher and only if the message isn't compromised by the method.

I think it's great that you're so serious about finding the methods that will make you the most effective teacher you can be. If only more preachers would do the same! Too often, the preacher's style overpowers or detracts from the gospel and you leave with an impression of the messenger, but the message hasn't made a dent. Then there are the speakers who couldn't inspire someone to remove their hand from a hot's so sad to see the Good News rendered incomprehensible or uninspiring because of a teacher who doesn't seem to believe or care about what is being taught. I had a Bible teacher at York who was one of those quiet, reserved, nerdy types. He didn't have a flashy style, but I learned so much from him because his passion for the Word and for the Lord was so evident, even after decades teaching the same classes over and over. That's what really matters, I think--making sure that your love and passion for the Word doesn't get lost in the method you choose.
Juan de grande's avatar

Juan de grande · 939 weeks ago

ryan, all I can say is, don't be in a rush to firm up your style. you have what some would say is a enthusiastic rambling for a style that befits your relative youth, and this is something I've found fairly interesting when you speak. the best styles I've found, which yes, include kevins, seem to flow naturally and fit who you are as a man. just be natural is the best I can give you
I tend to perceive the world in simple primary colors of truths, and I think to be effective in teaching, one must be willing to do ANYTHING to communicate! The only "trick" to excelence in preaching is to STAY OUT OF GOD'S WAY! Humor and Power Point, and even inteligent Biblical critique can SO get in the way!
There's hardly a single time that before I ever get up to speak on God's behalf that I do not think of Numbers 22:28 (page 97 in the black Renovatus Bible) and remember, "If God can speak through Balaam's jackass, He can speak through me."
James Wood's avatar

James Wood · 939 weeks ago

If you want to expand your style then listen to a lot of other preachers to get a sense of other styles that are out there. You might find something that really resonates with you.

I agree with Kaydub that preaching really is a time where God speaks to his community. God has amazingly chosen to use his people to speak his words to his people. That terrifies me.

It's my opinion that in order for God to use me to speak his words he prefers that I hear the words. As far as style goes, it's usually easiest for me to use the style that most connects to me (I want to preach sermons that I would want to hear). I think this is good and bad. The good is that I can pretty easily determine if I'm on track since this is the style that I like. The bad is that I risk not connecting to a whole group since there is only one style represented. I would prefer to have other people with other styles share with the church instead of trying to change my style every other week.

Basically I think that God made you to preach a certian way, and that way connects with people uniquely. So do what you do and do it well. Be faithful to the way that God has made you and be faithful to the words that God gives you.

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