A long way around Anchorman

It’s funny. So many of you out in Bloglandia run out of stuff to say. I don’t get it. I’ve got three blogs bubbling up in my head at any given moment. Two of those three are inevitably forgotten and fade away along with my first married apartment address. Don’t get me wrong, my ideas for blogs are rarely good…but I don’t really worry about quality. My focus is on entertaining myself primarily.
My problem isn’t with finding something to write about, rather I have an issue with finding time to write. Time is brutal sometimes.
Often I spend more time cleaning than I do playing with my son or talking with my wife. I totally dig busy work ’cause it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. And I love accomplishing things. I think the reason I multitask so much and so well is because it allows me to do relationship and tasks at the same time. I’m trying to “waste” more time playing with my son or talking to my wife. These days I don’t do much of either. But I do the dishes often.
Shame on me.
And you know the pathetic thing? My house is still a mess.
And do you want to know the worst part? She’s better than me.
Sorry, that was a shameless Anchorman plug…
Hey speaking of Anchorman, the other day I was taking an order at one of my tables. And while I was listening to them ask the same questions that every table asks ten times a night (what salad dressings do you have? What does Outback Style mean? What soup do you have tonight?) I was picking some food out of my teeth. While picking this food out of my teeth with my talented tongue, the following conversation happened in my noodle (new slang for “my head”):
“What is in my teeth?”
“Whatever it is it’s huge!”
“I will not rest until I get this out.”
“I haven’t eaten in a long time I really wonder what it could be.”
“I had ribs for lunch. That’s why I’m doing this.”
Remember all of that was happening in the back of my head while I masterfully practiced active listening with my table. “The nine or the twelve ounce? And how would you like that cooked?” Do you realize what this means?
My subconscious mind was quoting Anchorman! Thank you Jesus for this gift that you’ve given so freely. Thank you for Anchorman and how it makes me feel inside.

6 thoughts on “A long way around Anchorman

  1. I'm always amazed at the world that God created and the tools He gave us to experience His creations. For instance:Whay is it that when you have something stuck in your teeth it feels like it's about the size of a 1963 Buick Skylark with the over-sized fins, but once you finally pry it out you find that it's so small you can hardly even see it? You are all like "Dang, THAT'S what I've been working with my tongue for the last hour??"Or is that just me?ps – If ever you want the G and I to kidnap your son so that you and J can have time for each other, let us know! Especially me: jobless people have all the time in the world.

  2. Well, I can't quote Anchorman, subconsciously or otherwise, but I am with you on the blog thing. I have some of the most intelligent thoughts, which should be shared with the rest of the world, when I am far away from a computer. I need one of those dict-o-phone things, like the doc I work for uses, for times like that.

  3. her eis my reason for never blogging. i dont have time when im home- i work almost 60 hrs a week, so you would think i would blog at work, but i dont have our pics that are on our home computer and i am a firm believer in blogging witha picture. i guess i should try to get over that, since i only blog once a month.

  4. I'm angry at you! You got my half of the multitasking! You were given double and I was given nothing! I was just saying today how I cannot teach a class where there is room for response and question and answer. I cannot take what someone says, process it and come up with my own response. That would require my brain to do a lot of things at one time and just can't do that!

  5. jen, what you should have said was "AND you ate a whole wheel of cheese? i'm not even mad, actually i am very impressed, that's amazing!"

  6. I have things to say, problem is they are about ICD-9, CPT, MOAP, Med Term, and well, gee, who cares about that?I will have even more next quarter but no one will care about that stuff either. Oh I am in despair!

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