Potty Parts and Monsters

Jones has a monster that Jess made for him. Until today he always just called it “montner”. But this morning I asked him if his monster had a name. Jones quickly responded with “Boo”. Surprised by his quick reply I confirmed his answer “your monsters name is boo?” “yes” he said.

The strange thing that kept coming up in my head is that he’s never really encountered the word “boo”. He pretty much made it up out of the clear blue. Now I understand that kids make words and stuff up often, but it’s usually based in some sort of reality, idea, experience or something. Boo just seemed very random.

Let me quickly go off topic by saying that we’ve chosen not to use fake words for our private parts in our family. I could go into detail as to why we’ve chosen to do this, but that is for another blog. We do have purposeful reasoning for it though. Anyway, so Jones calls them what they are…and he’s quite obsessed with pointing them out any time he sees one.

Well when Jess got up this morning I told her about Jones’ new name for his monster. And it was at that exact moment that I realized the misunderstanding. You see, Jones doesn’t say “boob” very well. Instead he says “boo”. And through a series of rigorous test we confirmed the fact that Jones did not name his monster Boo, no, he named it Boob. My son has a monster named Boob.

Jess and I have chosen to continue to call the monster Boo…though on some level I hope that Boob sticks. Are we bad parents?

10 thoughts on “Potty Parts and Monsters

  1. nothing pleases me more than the fact that your son has a girl moster (cause there's no penis) named Boob.Serves you right.

  2. Boob. Nice. We met a little girl in Bellingham who is Izzy's age and she makes up a new name for her babies every time you ask. Only her names are like "balagadbadada" It was funny, too, even though it wasn't a private part…

  3. no you aren't. that is basically awesome. i can only hope that if i ever have kids they will be as awesome as yours . . . with namins his monster "boob" and having a shirt that looks like is says f*ck instead of truck . . . he really is a rock star.i saw your mom and dad from across the gym today at cascade . . .

  4. oh. and PS. I tried to cast my vote for Evie. "Thank You. Your Vote Has Already Been Cast"WHAT! You mean I can't vote 35 times anymore? What kind of blogging democracy is this?

  5. I taught my sisters kids about Boob. The oldest is almost 3 and she is in a "what's that?" "what's that?" phase. Ugh. She pointed 'there' and said what's that, so I told her. And she repeated it a million times to everyone in the house. I got one of those… what did you do looks from my mom. I figure I only get to see these kids once a year so I want to impart some of my aunty wisdom on them. Why is it that kids remember those words but act like they dont understand when you tell them to get their fingers out of their nose? Boob.

  6. Hey, Tab! We saw you but thought you didn't see us. I am now somehow relieved. And Arwen, there's plenty of us to go around … I'm sad to say.How is it that nobody has pointed out that one particular fake word for private party IS BOOB? Shouldn't the monster's name be Tah Tah?

  7. We tried to teach him breast, but boob was much easier to say and so just a couple times hearing that word instead made it stick. Sad…I actually think a toddler that said breast would be funnier.

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