There are certain words that just hurt your ears. Here’s my current number one: bloated.
Bloated, bloat, or any of it’s other forms qualify as the least attractive word in the English language.
Got any others?

* I’m unsure as to what other forms of the word bloat that I’m talking about. “Leave me alone, I’m bloating right now.” or “I feel so fat, I ate some beans for lunch yesterday and blat the rest of the evening.”

13 thoughts on “

  1. My Aunt can't stand the word "moist" and I have to agree with here. If you tell me the cake is moist, I probably don't want any.Oozing. It's just an ugly word. It describes to perfectly the action that it's meant to. Icky.

  2. a guy I used to work with hates the word "moist" as well.I can recognize the disgust, but I don't feel it.conglomerate is ugly as are all of its is scinillating.most words that are German or Russian in origin or likeness.Fertile.Yeasty.anacronym.crap I'm a nerd.

  3. I don't like the word "lover" when used as a pronoun. If anyone were to tell me something about their "lover" I may vomit all over their shoes.

  4. how did this turn into a sex/gentiles thing? Crotch, moist (this can go either way), fertile, puss, yeasty, lover, succulent, sack, penetrate…maybe it's not the words you all have a problem with. Maybe you're all just scared of your own sexuality.On another note, I don't like the word "public" when pronounced "pooblic"

  5. I hate the word fluf. I don't fluf my bed, or my pillow, and if I see a small white chunk of tree floating by I don't say "Oh, there's some flying fluf!"It's lame, and has nothing to do with one's crotchular area.

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