Musicals, Old People, Eggs, Etc.

I’m not feeling particularly motivated. I want to write a blog, I need to write a blog, but I’ve got little to say right now. Here are some things I just tried to write about:

  1. Why I belong in a musical
  2. My new conviction that I need to find more old people to listen to
  3. Easter stuff
  4. The things we found while cleaning up the Easter egg hunt field: dirty bra, glass pipe, possum skull, condom wrappers, lots of glass from Smirnoff bottles, and remnants of Easter egg hunts from years ago.
  5. I’m reading the Count of Monte Cristo for the first time and it’s rocking my world. I really like it.
  6. I need a good Blog reader widget for my sidebar! I’ve tried a couple and they all look bad, don’t work well, or have some inherent issues. Any ideas?

Have a wonderful night.


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