Lego Clubs and Makin' Some Dough

Jones and his friend have created a Lego club which includes a plan to raise money to buy more Legos by selling the Legos they already have. If you’re interested in purchasing some Legos you may want to visit their website here:Ā

As a word of caution, Jones may have decided to sell some of his Lego sets for upwards of six cents…and ninety-nine dollars. As another word of caution, Jones’ parents do not intend to let him actually sell the Legos that we’ve taken out secondĀ mortgage for in order to afford (seriously have you priced Legos?! Jeepers!) I also have observed a potential flaw in his business model which is that he’s willing to give you the money you need to buy his Legos (its not a loan, its a freewill offering).

I remember being in clubs as a kid. My sister Tara and I had a sword fighting club once. My sister Jen and I had a club called the Doggie Dudes and Dudettes once too. Jessica and I form clubs all the time…as a matter of fact last week we formed a playdough club. It was pretty awesome.*

Clubs are pretty awesome…but selling the Legos your parents bought you for Christmas…priceless…well…unless you put a price of six cents on it like my son did. Ouch.


* This may or may not be based in reality…it could be a lie, but I’m not quite sure at this moment in time. I’ll let you know once I talk with my wife.

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