Tears and Seizures

This isn’t actually happening right now, though it very possibly could because lately it has been happening on and off randomly throughout the day. Right now I’m actually sitting next to my child as I watch him enjoy the classic Simpsons arcade game that I grew up playing. But here it is: I can’t stop crying. Every day I cry. On and off. At times only in bits while at other times uncontrollably. Usually it’s about Jess–it’s connected to some kind of realization of how I’ve wronged her or how she’s loved me in some beautifully perfect way– how she’s loved me in some kind of way that is so beautiful I feel as though I’ll never be able to accept it fully enough. Sometimes it’s about a realization of what I’m going to miss out on in downtown Vancouver. I can almost see it, I can almost see through the fog a new reality emerging in our both “uber old” and “fledgling” neighborhoods that make up downtown. I grieve that I can almost see it and yet won’t be able to touch it. I feel like Moses up on the mountain top being told by Yahweh him/her/it self that I’ve been given the gift of getting the people this close but I shall go no closer.* Sometimes it’s when I realize how much of my children’s lives I’m going to miss, how many moments I am missing right this very moment as I choose to blog instead of doing…instead of doing…of doing whatever it is that I’m certain I’m missing out on doing! Sometimes I just sob ’cause I don’t know what other emotion to feel. Sorrow is all I’ve got left at times…and so I cry. A lot.

Thirty minutes ago (a few minutes after I finished playing the Simpsons arcade game with Jones) I got up and walked my wheelchair (using the wheelchair as a walker) to where my kids were chillaxin. I decided that instead of working on this blog I should sit with my kids for a few minutes before they get sent to bed themselves. On my way to be with the kids, however, I passed out. Oops. It was a slow seizure. It happened slow enough, luckily, for Jessica and Steve to run over and catch me as I blacked out and went to the floor. There was quite a bit of shaking, some twisting of limbs, some awkward gasping and eye rolling,  and just lots and lots of darkness and dizziness for me. It may not have been a horrific seizure (thank you God), but I had a seizure and seizures are certainly scary. They are. Period. Worthy of a few tears. And I cried. The reason I cried, though, wasn’t because of fear associated with passing out. No, the tears were because I was so overwhelmed by these two people who so gently and beautifully cared for me in my time of need. I felt so much love in that lasting moment, I felt so much concern over my life and health. In no way did I feel alone in any sense of the word. How could I have? I was being held in the arms of a woman who in every single way has given everything for me. I don’t remember clearly what she was whispering in my ear tonight (nor do I remember what she whispered during other seizures) but the fact that she was there holding me and whispering anything was enough to keep my body in emotions grip, in the grip of those tears that have eluded me most of my adult life. Those tears that have become so utterly freeing.

It feels good to cry. It feels appropriate, it feels like I”m doing the right thing, like I can’t be judged for crying–I can only be loved. And I desperately want to be loved. Sometimes when I cry, when I really cry and cry hard, I’m honestly just in search of confirmation that I’m not simply wasting time here dinking around waiting to die. The thing is, I think you never feel more human than when you are dying. And that’s an emotional and painful place to be.

*  Let’s not be goofy and please absolutely nobody will be aloud to make any further allusions to me and Moses unless it has to do with our hair or our beards. Unless we’re talking about our massive and powerful staffs, it is a comparison that is absolutely out of place…oh yeah, also aside from the point that we’ve both got siblings, we both had to do a dance for our in-laws in order to have been given permission to marry our current wives, and finally the fact that we’re also dying.

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Ryan, I don't know you in life, but your story has touched my soul. Your life and death are going to stay with me every minute of mine. I will tell anyone and everyone what I know about you and your family. How amazing and strong you all are. How much love passes from all of you. From your care givers to you and you to them. From you to your wife and children and them to you. Remember in your darkest moments that your wife wants to be now where else, but with you. With you in every moment. Her grace and dignity will give you strength and God (and all of us, even those of us who don't know you personally) will watch over her. Will help her. No regrets. Your strength and courage give us all so very much. I don't know you but I love you, and your family. You are NOT alone.
Linda Park's avatar

Linda Park · 648 weeks ago

Ryan, please know that you and your precious Jess are more influential than you will ever know. Your words are so pure, so heartbreaking, so filled with love, and grief, and gratitude ... they reach across the country to me here in Michigan. I am an "unmet friend" whom you've inspired to live a life of being "in the present." Today I met with a troubled student here at RC and as I heard his story of family dysfunction and chaos, my eyes filled with tears. My heart ached for this student and I believe it had something to do with how you, your story. I don't know how, exactly, but reading your words has touched my heart in a way that I want to serve others more, show compassion better, and love more openly. Thank you. And never doubt the power of what you do every day ... make a difference. May the Lord keep you close and give you peace and healing.

Linda Park
Sherry Henderson's avatar

Sherry Henderson · 648 weeks ago

Ryan I have been reading your previous blogs tonite and just read tears and seizures. You are teaching all of us beautiful lessons in life, love, grace, humility, compassion, forgiveness, hope and so many other things that many of us take for granted. Please know that what you are so courageously and unselfishly sharing with all of us will never be forgotten. I have never met you or your beautiful family but I feel as though you have become family to me, and that has only been possible because of your amazing courage, love, vulnerability and honesty. I sooo wish I could take all of your pain, both physical and emotional, away forever!! Please know that there are hundreds of people here in the 'couv, including me, who are here for you & Jess. I feel like I owe you so much as you have given all of us so much. The love, humor and grace that you emit is beyond words. I actually laugh out loud thru the tears as I read some of your blogs. You are a special soul. People feel this connection deeply with you and your family. Thank you for allowing us to share in your pain, your tears, and your good and bad days. We are a better community for it. Through swollen and grateful eyes, thank you! May the continued prayers from those who love you lift you up and hold you tight...((((HUGS)))
1 reply · active 648 weeks ago
Patti Bowman's avatar

Patti Bowman · 648 weeks ago

There's no one like you, Ryan Woods. You are a gift to us...and to Jess most of all. Thank you, O God who lives...and who died, showing us that LIFE is greater than death, in all its forms. We will rejoice in You!
I cried as I read, Ryan. Yes, you deserve to be loved, and the best response is "thank you. I accept your love." Your sharing your journey continues to bless me and change the way I look at death and heaven....LYN
Thank you for taking precious time to include us in you journey. It is truly an honor and watch the love if Christ expressed in such a human way. Glory be to God! You are all so remarkable.
Oh Ryan. I have no words. We love you.
Alexa Stevens's avatar

Alexa Stevens · 648 weeks ago

Some people go through this life NEVER being able to touch another's life or LIVES as you have done. It seems unfair to have to live this life you have been given Ryan but GOD has chosen the PERFECT man to live it. YOU. Think of ALL of us here left on this planet when you will be gone in the arms of the Lord................we will continue to LOVE you and your family until you are able to hold them again. Our prayers and love continue to go out to you minute by minute as you share this life of yours with us. How blessed WE are............
Love you!
Tiffany H's avatar

Tiffany H · 648 weeks ago

Ryan, I do not know you beyond the beautiful words, photos and stories you've shared with so many. I wanted you to know that you are not just dinking around, waiting to die. You are changing people every time you share your most personal feelings & thoughts. You are changing us for the better. You, your wife and 2 children are showing us the true face of humanity, of humility and of grace. Thank you Ryan. Thank you and your family for sacrificing so many of your private moments and allowing them to become opportunities of growth & much needed perspective for those of us on the outside. I hope I am not out of line in speaking for the others in saying, we are forever grateful.
newlifeben's avatar

newlifeben · 648 weeks ago

You made me cry today Ryan. I sensed your loss and joy and fear and faith all swirling in the blender of today. So I prayed for God to bring you healing and for strength to see your kids beat you one more time in a game. I see Christ in you and know they do too. Well done Ryan! Well done!
jasonhillpdx's avatar

jasonhillpdx · 648 weeks ago

Well, now I'm crying.
Bunny Stahnke's avatar

Bunny Stahnke · 648 weeks ago

I have been following your story for more than a year now. It has been a beautiful year. Every time I look at this blog, I am afraid of what I will find. I am afraid that I will look and you will be gone. I honor you for having the strength to give of yourself and for sharing your wonderful message even until the very end. Blessings to you and yours.
Craig Brown's avatar

Craig Brown · 648 weeks ago

Thanks to God for nurturing Brenda, Pam, Kevin, and Tony to be parents who pointed you both towards Jesus. In all of us we are blessed to catch a glimpse of God himself.
I don't comment much. But, wanted to let you know that I lost both of my parents within a year of oneanother when I was a little girl. It was so hard for me growing up in foster care. I never lost faith in God even though I didn't understand his plan. Having gone through all that I have learned to appreciate and value life more. Family is everything to me.
I now have 2 autoimmune diseases for the past 8 years. One of them being Lupus makes me very aware how short life is. I have 3 kids with one having Autism scares me to leave them like my parents left me. We are open and talk about my sickness. When I blog sometimes i feel guilty for using that time. But, i've learned it's my way to cope, to vent and connect with even one person that might need to stop and think about God's love, how precious life is and sometimes to remind them that hey life ain't so bad over here.
I will remember to pray for your family for the rest of my life....I promise. Love to you all.
Wilson Parrish's avatar

Wilson Parrish · 648 weeks ago

Yeah, I'm with Jason: I'm crying too.
Donna Zeeb's avatar

Donna Zeeb · 648 weeks ago

Oh, Ryan, I would give anything if ONLY we could grant you a million miracles....we would all do it in a heartbeat! God is working on yours I know He is, I pray it reaches you SOON! Lucky enough to know you a little, but knowing Jess I feel like I've known you forever, but little did I know everything she always told us about you was SO true, but SO not close to the amazing man you've become! She has always spoken so highly of you, but I think the man you are today.....is even MORE amazing! You have been such a blessing to me and many.....living with Alzheimer's, (my husband), make you SO aware life is short. Stan's body is pretty healthy, but watching the mind disappear is dreadfully painful....however, by reading your blog, the amazing strength you have shown and that it's okay on the days you don't feel so strong, to let it show too....makes you feel somehow it's just okay either way! Reading your blog and "watching" you, Jess, Jones, and India go thru this horrible illness somehow has given my the courage to face what I need to face too! Thank you for being such a great example for all of us, especially Jess and the kids! You may leave us one day, but trust me, you will NEVER be forgotten, for you have left your "mark" footprint if you will, on all of hearts forever! Thank you.....just for being you! Hugs....
I will always be proud of you, Rybee.
Stacy Wooldridge's avatar

Stacy Wooldridge · 648 weeks ago

Dearest Ryan~
I don't know you but I have come to know you through your blogs. There have been a time or two that I have been frightened to read what you might say..but then I think of you and what your enduring, how can I not. You have to be an Angel, in fact I know you are... Your constantly teaching us all and reminding us. "When angels speak, their voices sound quite powerful -- and the sound is even more impressive if God is speaking with them."
Thank you for touching me and many others. I am grateful for knowing your story. My thoughts are with you here in southeast Georgia (BTW, I am from Beaverton OR) You and Jess are amazing people! Much love and peace.
You have such a blessed and spirit awakening quality in your writing. One second Im laughing at your jokes and the next I'm crying for your pain. You make me praise God in every cell of my being because I know that his love just radiates in his people (in you especially). Your words and journey remind me to be grateful for every moment- every breath and every little things my children do and say. I feel so foolish sometimes for wasted moments- for times when I wasnt grateful to be alive or times where I got stuck in the emptiness of public media/opinion.

I pray for you and for your beautiful family. Even though we havent met- our spirits are definitely related. Please continue to share your thoughts- (when you have time and energy) its such a HUGE gift you are giving all of us. A simple reminder that LOVE prevails - even in death.
i have good feelings for you and you family. i will pray for you.

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