The Brentmeister

The Brentmeister is one of my best friends. I met him when we moved up here to the ‘Couver back when I was somewhere around the age of nine. He lived across the street. I haven’t always been a nice boy, being nice sometimes takes some learning. I remember him giving me some of his baseball cards so that we could trade with eachother. “ok, I’ll trade you my Darryl Strawberry for my Jose Canseco” “Whoa, thats a little steep my friend. You’re busting my balls Brent. Throw in a Bo Jackson and I think we’ve got a deal” I failed to mention that I had my own baseball cards somewhere in a box.

The Brentmeister wore black snow boots. All the time. All summer. With shorts. He liked them, so he wore them. Brent also had cool Rebock pumps and Air Jordans when they came out. The Brentmeister had it all.
The cupboards at his house were filled with Capri Sun’s, homemade granola, and those small bags of chips that every child needs. But he always craved my home’s Saltines. He’d come over and be like “Dude, can I have some of your saltines?” The Meister loved saltines. I thought they just tasted like dry salty crackers.

Our dinner table sat infront of a large window that looked past our front yard and into the neighbors (Brent’s yard). I think he got lonely while we ate dinner. That or he just got bored. Our rule was that we did not answer the phone during dinner. Damn salesmen.
“Hello, you’ve reached the Woods. We’re either not home or we don’t want to talk to you, so leave a message right after the beep”
Brent: “Come on guys! Just pick up the phone! I can see you.”
This is when Brent would begin to shine his flashlight from his bedroom window into our dining room window. We would wave and try to sign ‘sorry’ or ‘our phone isn’t working’ or ‘we’re eating, ryan can play in 20 minutes’ etc.
Brent: “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb…I can sing this all day. Come on guys! Just pick up the phone.”

I knew that I was getting a bike for my eleventh birthday beforehand. Brent told me. The Brentmeister knew what secrets to keep and which to spill.

He was always an early riser. When I would spend the night at his house he would always wake me up early to watch WCW wrestling. I think it showed at 5am on tbs. We rooted for Sting I think. At night we would get in the bottom of our sleeping backs and quietly break up Top Ramen noodles in a ziplock bag and then poor the seasoning over the top. We had to do it quietly, you see, lets the parents hear us. To this day I am unsure why the parents were not supposed to hear us eating the cheapest food known to man. To this day our secret has been kept.

It’s now somewhere around 15 years later we still get together once a week to talk and pray. Sometimes he has to work in Portland at 8am, so we drink coffee and 6. It hurts, but it’s worth it. We don’t eat top ramen or saltines, but occasional he’ll order a pastry.

All people should be blessed with a friend whom you know will always have your back. It’s that person that you can go for a while without talking and the moment you get back together everything is cool and normal and fresh. Everyone needs a friend who can do all those technical things that you can’t do and who is willing to take the time to actually do it for you. You’ve got your hangups, they’ve got their hangups, and it’s still ok. The Brentmeister is one of my best friends and I feel very lucky to be able to say that. Everybody needs a Meister.

10 thoughts on “The Brentmeister

  1. I'm glad you have a friend that cool. And Brent is undeniably cool…anyone who wears black snowboots all summer and still has friends is obviously cool. (But his feet probably stink.)I dig Brent, even though he is probably too cool for me now. (Maybe he always was.) I'm glad you guys are still tight. It only seems right, remembering how inseparable you boys were back in the day.Yay for good friends, and Cheers to Brent.

  2. YIKES!! My eyes were reading 'Brents Words' but I was hearing Brent's voice. I remember those days of which you speak. You guys were soooo cute!!! And very cool.

  3. i have my shanna. we go back to grade three, so that makes it… twenty-five years. it's so awesome and so rare to have friends that go back that far. we are blessed.

  4. so many memeories with brent…but let us not forget erika. (the sister) she couldnt really say "purple" or yellow, as hard as i tried to teach her, she always said "pulpul" and "lellow". but we played barbies everyday, or we picked up pinecones in the yard for .01c each, or when i couldnt play, she asked if muffin (yes,the dog) could play. our dream was to send a video to americas funniest home videos of erica dancing and then her prosthetic leg would fly off and we would win 10,000 to buy as many hawaian tropic barbies as we wanted. that is still a dream of mine…

  5. is this post here to tell me that no matter how busy i am or how hard it is to get up early or stay up late, that I should always make time for my special friend whom I've been so distant from because I've been running like a weee chickeny delicious with my head cut off and the ONE time that i had time and I came to fetch your wife she was no where? is that what this is all about? cause I'm super tired today (perhaps you got the call last night that I was 2 hours late for work) but now I feel bad for wanting to go to bed and get some sleep and call Jess in the morning. see. this isn't even making any sense, but I am going to stay up late anyways and call her and demand that she spend the day with me or at least tell me where we are getting together tomorrow… I like that Brent was a mix of Chunk from Goonies (you know he totally would have done the phone thing) and Napoleon (the boots)(and the sweet dance moves)p.s. Dody: I, amazingly enough, heard Brent's voice as well… strange… oh, and the vice president may or may not have recieved a memo concerning the fairness of it all and telling him where to stick a few things…..

  6. i heart brent.he is my birthday best friend.and the mail pirate partner that i had this summer at jr teen camp.our birthday is in 8 days! (not counting today or our birthday)

  7. You must have a good friend and help each other in a critical situation. The friends are the most important factor in everyone life the people who have good friends they can share problems with them and can get the best suggestion of ideas. I really like your amazing article about your friend may you and your friend together rest of life.

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