I am married to a beautiful woman who is out of my league but has strangely had a crush on me since she was nine. We graduated highschool young, married young, had kids young, and hope to retire young (we therefore also hope for our children to get rich young). We have two beautiful children Jones and India who are amazingly funny and intelegent and bring us joy every single day.
The last year has been marked by my diagnosis of terminal brain cancer (actually in my spinal cord) in May of 2011. This has shaped our story in incredible ways and continues to transform our lives (you can read about it here). We are uncertain as to what the future holds for us but what we do know is that our lives are dedicated to the people of downtown Vancouver, WA where we are a part of a community of people trying to live like Jesus with and for those in our neighborhood. Grassroots Conspiracy is the name of this movement that is marked by individuals who are experimenting in dying to self and living for others.