
About admin

In the process of starting a new grassroots movement in downtown Vancouver, Washington. In the process of fighting terminal cancer. In the process of learning to be a better neighbor, husband, father, Christ follower, and friend. As initiators of the Grassroots Conspiracy we hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown neighborhoods.

Joining the Dispatch Fun?

Since January of 2009 I have put together a monthly (OK, maybe it doesn’t always turn out to be monthly, but that was the goal!) newsletter. It has morphed and changed over the years as much as I myself have changed and become a different person focused on different things. Today I refer to it as a Dispatch from Downtown as it chronicles the activity and dreaming of the Grassroots Conspiracy movement that we are a part of starting here in downtown Vancouver, WA.

One of my goals is to not just tell you about what we are doing but to allow you space to enter into some of the life and movement of our downtown community. Therefore much of the content in these Dispatches is written by amazing individuals from our neighborhood who are living and dreaming the Conspiracy into reality. As I spend the next week putting the finishing touches on June’s Dispatch from Downtown I want to invite anyone and everyone who is interested to sign-up to receive it! If you’ve been following my blog and our journey through all this health stuff then you’re fully aware that what there truly is amazing things happening here in downtown Vancouver. There really is a Grassroots Conspiracy emerging where a whole community is developing around the Jesus idea of love, compassion, dying to self, and generosity…I just never expected or intended to be the guinea pig in the middle experiencing it all! I thought I would be the one doing it but instead I’m the one receiving it!

So my invitation to you is if you are not currently signed up to hear the stories, to read the report of the amazing things going on I would be remiss if I did not invite you to join in the fun! So below is a quick and easy way to join. Oh, and please feel free to invite your neighbors, friends, co-workers, aunts, uncles, chia pets, second cousins twice removed, mothers, fathers, and small little babies to join in the fun too. The story is getting too good to miss out on!

Signup to receive our monthly Dispatch from Downtown
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-17

Guest Post: Blessed are the Uncool

I’m stealing this post from Rachel Held Evans. I’ve never read any of her books (though they’ve been recommended) and this is the first blog of hers I’ve ever read. But I liked it and I like her vibe and I like her perspective and I like this sentence not having any commas. Enjoy…

People sometimes assume that because I’m a progressive 30-year-old who enjoys Mumford and Sons and has no children, I must want a super-hip church—you know, the kind that’s called “Thrive” or “Be” and which boasts “an awesome worship experience,” a  fair-trade coffee bar, its own iPhone app, and a pastor who looks like a Jonas Brother.

While none of these features are inherently wrong, (and can of course be used by good people to do good things), these days I find myself longing for a church with a cool factor of about 0.

That’s right.

I want a church that includes fussy kids, old liturgy, bad sound, weird congregants,  and…brace yourself…painfully amateur “special music” now and then.


Well, for one thing, when the gospel story is accompanied by a fog machine and light show, I always get this creeped-out feeling like someone’s trying to sell me something. It’s as though we’re all compensating for the fact that Christianity’s not good enough to stand on its own so we’re adding snacks.

But more importantly, I want to be part of an un-cool church because I want to be part of a community that shares the reputation of Jesus, and like it or not, Jesus’ favorite people in the world were not cool. They were mostly sinners, misfits, outcasts, weirdos, poor people, sick people, and crazy people.

Cool congregations can get so wrapped up in the “performance” of church that they forget to actually be the church, a phenomenon painfully illustrated by the story of the child with cerebral palsy who wasescorted from the Easter service at Elevation Church for being a “distraction.”


It seems to me that this congregation was distracted long before this little boy showed up! In their self-proclaimed quest for “an explosive, phenomenal movement of God—something you have to see to believe,” they missed Jesus when he was right under their nose.

Was the paralytic man lowered from the rooftop in the middle of a sermon a distraction?

Was the Canaanite woman who harassed Jesus and his disciples about healing her daughter a distraction?

Were the blind men from Jericho who annoyed the crowd with their relentless cries a distraction?

Jesus didn’t think so. In fact, he seemed to think that they were the point.

Jesus taught us that when we throw a banquet or a party, our invitation list should include “the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.” So why do our church marketing teams target the young, the hip, the healthy, and the resourced?

In Bossypants (a book you should really go out and buy this very instant), Tina Fey describes working for the YMCA in Chicago soon after graduating from college. This particular YMCA included, “a great mix of high-end yuppie fitness facility, a wonderful community resource for families, and an old-school residence for disenfranchised men,” so Fey shares a host of funny stories about working the front desk. One such story involves one of the residents forgetting to take his meds, bumping into a young mom on her way to a workout session, and saying something wildly inappropriate (and very funny—you should definitely go out and get this book). Fey writes, “The young mother was beside herself. That’s the kind of trouble you get when diverse groups of people actually cross paths with one another. That’s why many of the worst things in the world happen in and around Starbucks bathrooms.”

Church can be a lot like the Y…or a Starbucks bathroom.

We have one place for the un-cool people (our ministries) and another place for the cool people (our church services). When we actually bump into one another, things can get awkward, so we try to avoid it.

It’s easy to pick on Elevation Church in this case, but the truth is we’re all guilty of thinking we’re too cool for the least of these. Our elitism shows up when we forbid others from contributing art and music because we deem it unworthy of glorifying God, or when we scoot our family an extra foot or two down the pew when the guy with Aspergers sits down. Having helped start a church, I remember hoping that our hip guests wouldn’t be turned off by our less-than-hip guests.  For a second I forgot that in church, of all places, those distinctions should disappear.

Some of us wear our brokenness on the inside, others on the outside.

But we’re all broken.

We’re all un-cool.

We’re all in need of a Savior.

So let’s cut the crap, pull the plug, and have us some distracting church services… the kind where Jesus would fit right in.


Do you ever get the feeling that church is just one big show? Have you found a congregation in which Jesus and his friends would be welcome?

(as seen here:


Impulse Control…

My son and I are amidst the same struggle. We both have legitimate excuses: he’s five and I’ve on ‘roids. Neither of us want to let those excuses excuse us from responsibility for being a jerk. Again, he’s five and I’m twenty-eight.

Jones was listening to his favorite book on tape A Wrinkle In Time and was therefore in his fog that comes with his complete absorption into the story.  It was during this time that exuberant young full of life three year old India came and tried to look (or take) what Jones was holding (in this case maybe a blanket? It honestly doesn’t matter). Without hesitation or little provocation Jones began to pummel his sister repeatedly and without abandon. She responded as a little three year old girl does and should: life as she knew it was over. My response was to immediately put Jones in time out on the stairs…kind of. Right now I’m really having a hard time regulating my emotions–they swing more than they ever have and its been challenging for me to say the least to learn to regulate these new found extreme emotions. I’ve always been a steady, even, and controlled person so I even scared myself when I forcefully ripped Jones’ headphones off his head and ripped a pacifier out of his mouth (another story for another place). Even further when Jones started screaming and then shrieking (I cannot explain how loud this “shriek” part was) I yelled loud at him (STOP!) grabbed his shoulders and told him to go upstairs. I know I grabbed his shoulders too hard because it was clear but also because as he’s crying and going upstairs he’s saying “you don’t have to be so rough with me…” It was not good parenting…and Jess took over…upstairs. I stayed downstairs, cooled off, and tried to reheat dinner. Thanks to grandma (who’s eyes were quite wide at this moment) dinner actually got made.

I say all that confessionally but also to get to the conversation that my son first had with Jess and then had with me. I’ll try to recount it as best I can (and I might kind of blend the two conversations a bit into one).

Jones: (tearfully) I don’t want to do things like hitting India. Its like my brain can’t stop it. I try and I try but I can’t seem to control myself. I don’t know what to do I just can’t stop!

Jess: It’s hard huh. That’s called impulse control. That must be really scary to feel out of control.

Jones: It is scary and I don’t know how to stop (crying increases). How can I control myself when I just do it and don’t know what I’m doing? I don’t want to be like this! And I don’t know why daddy is acting like this either. He never acts like this. Why is he so harsh? He just grabbed my shoulders hard and he doesn’t do that!

Jess: Daddy is having a hard time with impulse control too huh.

Jones: Yeah and I don’t like it!

(later, laying in bed with me and after rehashing the same content above)

Me: It sounds like we’re really experiencing the same things right now huh Jones?

Jones: Yeah, I don’t like it.

Me: Me neither. Did you know that daddy is on some drugs right now called steroids that make it hard for me to control my emotions?

Jones: Really? Why do they do that?

Me: Well the steroids are helping my body, but they come with things called side affects. One of those side affects is all this extra emotion that I’m having to learn how to deal with. We’ve got to work pretty hard to make good choices even when we’re feeling out of control huh?

Jones: Yeah. I can’t wait ’till you’re off steroids.

Me: Me too. But I don’t think its just the steroids I think daddy is also just learning how to cope with all the changes in his body. Do you think we can both work on trying to make good choices even when we’re feeling out of control?

Jones: Yeah I think so…Dad, is your tumor benign?

Me: What? (I was completely caught off guard here) Actually they thought it was but now they’re actually still studying it trying to figure out what it is.

Jones: What’s benign again?

Me: Benign means that the tumors not doin’ much, it’s just sitting there in my back chillin’. But guess what, they sent my tumor to a place called the Mayo Clinic and it’s one of the best hospitals in the entire world!

Jones: WHAT! (laughing) The best hospital in the entire world! Do they let little boys go there?

Me: I bet they do.

Jones: I want to go there. What are they doing with your tumor?

Me: They’re studying it and watching it. It’s acting weird and they’re trying to figure out what it’s doing.

Jones: Well I’m glad that its at such a good hospital. I hope I can go there. But it’s not cancer right?

Me: (I chickened out) I hope not, but we’re still waiting to find out. Hopefully we’ll find out soon.

Jones: Well I’m glad it’s at the Mayo Clinic.

Me: Me too.

*end scene*


Good News For My Son

Did you know that a lifelong undiagnosed extreme fruit allergy will ruin and attack your immune system? It can cause chronic ear infections, wreak havoc on your digestive track (causing other sensitivities to food), and it causes neurological damage (not permanente) among other things. Essentially it messes with your body in intense ways…as if you’re eating poison…which you are.

After being off fruit for two weeks my sons body is healthier than its ever been. While it’s hard to articulate and it’s still up and down due to the nature of our life right now even his ability to regulate his extreme emotions and intense sensitivities has been transformed in this short period of time. Even further, and of the most importance right now, in these three days his swollen lymph nodes have begun to shrink to the point that yesterday our doctor exclaimed “There’s no possible way this boy has lymphoma!”. Turns out his lymph nodes were maxing out after years of storing up toxins due to this unknown extreme allergy! (my wife could write a three page article here detailing Jones’ medical history in order to show how many connections there are to symptoms of a bad fruit allergy and his health concerns since birth)

I cannot tell you how glorious yesterday was, how ecstatic all of us (including Jones) were to know that not only do we no longer have to fear Jones having cancer, having a biopsy, or having to have his lymph removed but we also get to see my son head down a path of health! He has been plagued his whole life with chronic ear infections, with food allergies and sensitivities, and with a brain that functioned so intensely that it often would get out of control. In the last two weeks he has shown a calmness and new level of emotional articulation that are new*, his body has looked healthier, and most importantly his lymphs have begun to shrink.

Anyway, the point to all this is that my son does not have frickin’ lymphoma! He’s not having a biopsy! He’s not having surgery in the next week or two! This is amazing, wonderful, glorious news and we have to thank all of you for your constant and vigilant prayers. I mean think about it, these prayers not only brought healing to his neck but are going to bring a holistic healing to his entire life. I wasn’t even asking for that…but now feel like I can and must exclaim in solidarity with one person from the Bible who said “Thank you God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ever ask or imagine!”

Maybe I just need a bigger imagination?


*Don’t get me wrong, all of us in our house are still struggling with very extremem emotions that swing at any given moment even on a wonderful day like yesterday…but that’s the blog I’ll be writing tomorrow!