
About admin

In the process of starting a new grassroots movement in downtown Vancouver, Washington. In the process of fighting terminal cancer. In the process of learning to be a better neighbor, husband, father, Christ follower, and friend. As initiators of the Grassroots Conspiracy we hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown neighborhoods.

It's All About People

I’m making this up, but I think I’m right.

If you’re in business then it’s easy to think that it’s about the bottom line. It’s about income and expenditures. If you make more than you spend in a consistent, ethical, and reproducible way you should be good to go.

If you’re into religion it’s easy to think that it’s about figuring out what’s right. Its about the right religion or the right path. If you’re following a religion that is right and leads to outcomes that resonate with your definition of rightness then you should be good to go.

If you’re into philosophy then it’s easy to think that its all about thinking rightly. Right outcomes are less important than right processes that develop people along a pathway of consistency (I think. Honestly I get very lost in philosophy).

If you’re into art and creative expression then its easy to think that its all about freedom. It’s about the freedom to express who you are, what you see (or do not see) in the world, and to bring a voice to what might be left blank otherwise.

If you’re into education then its easy to think that it’s all about gaining information. The more we know the more power we have over our choices and our future. Knowing more gives us greater power, control, freedom, responsibility, and a whole host of valuable and important things.

If you’re into humanitarian work it’s easy to think that its all about fixing things. You recognize that the world is broken and your heart does not let you go on without being a part of the solution. So you build wells, you organize soup kitchens, and you care for the broken people and systems in our world ’till they are fixed.

Each and every one of those is of huge value (though I know that we each will value one much more highly than another!). But none of those are enough. None of those outcomes stand.

Because it’s all about people.

Actually, let me back up one more step. It’s all about this radical Latin phrase called the Imago Dei–that humanity is indelibly marked with the image of God. That you, I, him, her, that dude, that kid, and that one snarky old dude over there are all first and foremost created in the image of something first of all perfect, gracious, loving, creative, and beautiful. Broken as we are, in need of fixing, in need of more knowledge, greater freedom, consistent thinking, right ends, and even success–none of those things define us.

What defines us is our identity as a part of humanity.

Business, religion, philosophy, education, art, social work, and the many other elements of life that should be listed all come down to the same thing–how do we honor, cherish, nurture, and love the beautiful things we’ve been given–namely each other?

Obviously I’m not dumb enough to think I’m writing a blog post trying to answer that question. I’ll write that four point blog tomorrow.

But I’m also not going to be foolish enough to say that my wife and I are not making an attempt at an answer. For Jess and I (and those who are conspiring with us!) our response is this whole crazy stupid idea of creating a new Christian movement in downtown Vancouver that seeks to see a Grassroots Conspiracy emerge where people are finding new life in person to person interactions across streets, blocks, and neighborhoods.

We’ll see if it works…but the way I figure is it can’t hurt!

Such a Trip…Seriously

I can’t think of any other phrase except to say “what a trip”!

Even just a few weeks ago I had never pictured myself as a rehab patient (I probably should have…but I didn’t). I know my story is nothing at all like the movie Regarding Henry but it is exactly what I felt like yesterday as I spent my first day in the rehab unit here at the hospital. You know those two bars that rehab patients hold onto as they learn to walk for the first time again…that’s me! What the what? You know those teams of encouraging PT’s and OT’s who are saying nice things, giving them pointers, saying “come on Ryan, one more step…” that’s me! I’m Harrison Ford from the movie! (except that I wasn’t a jerk before hand…and I can talk and read…and…yeah…you get it). It’s just such a trip to realize that I am actually, genuinely, completely learning how to walk again.

I know this post has not been an epic one of powerful words, well written thoughts, or even a cohesive news update…but if you haven’t picked up on it yet, I’m just now coming to grips with the fact that my new (as of right now) reality in life is that I’m a baby learning to walk. Who’d a thought? A few weeks ago I was in pain…but I was walking down Main Street in Disneyland! Shoot, a few days ago I was anticipating surgery and in bad pain, but in 48 hours of time I managed to get down to the pub and even plant some spinach in my garden. Now? Now, I’m giddy to have a strap on pee bag so that I don’t get tangled when I try to use my walker. What. A. Trip.

And yet…my body is doing well. I’m moving more than I should. My pain is less than it should be. I’m full of confidence and energy. I’m in what appears to be an amazing facility. I’m still crying constantly about the support of my friends and family (…yep…just cried again while typing this…), and I can gladly call this home for at least the next 7-10 days.

Here we go!


(Just as an FYI that need some more of the details…we’re waiting for positive pathology reports to show up between June 7-10. Once we get those reports we’ll be able to have a more firm understanding of what to do concerning the left over tumor ‘fingers’ intertwined in my spinal cord. Right now the spinal damage being shown includes lack of bowl/bladder function and pretty strong paralysis down my right side from my belly button to my shin…more or less. There are other spots of numbness, tingling, etc. as well but these are the major concerns)

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-03

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-27 #
  • Brought to Tears…Awkwardly… #
  • Great night of sleep! Actually slept next to my wife, on my own bed, and for 7 hours straight! (fyi…she's been sleeping in our bed … #
  • Our Story As Best I Can Tell It Now #
  • Just teared up thinking about how I didn't tear up at all yesterday…glad im not losing the gift just yet…fee…feelings… #
  • I over extended myself and feel terrible now but I wouldn't have done it any other way (unless I could have brought my amazing wife!!… #
  • The Conversion of Place #
  • Sobbed like a baby. Thanks everyone! #
  • Final Thoughts? #
  • "Lord, you have done great things for us, many of which we have hardly noticed. You are Lord over the past, sovereign in the present,… #
  • Rehab starts today! At this point I can stand if I have a walker and two people getting me to it…here's hoping for quick progress! #
  • What a day! My cousins baby was born in Portland, Anni surprised me with her new camera, I sang 'golden ticket' while trying to walk … #
  • Scars Galore! #