
About admin

In the process of starting a new grassroots movement in downtown Vancouver, Washington. In the process of fighting terminal cancer. In the process of learning to be a better neighbor, husband, father, Christ follower, and friend. As initiators of the Grassroots Conspiracy we hope to be a part of a movement of hope, imagination, and transformation in our developing downtown neighborhoods.

The Conversion of Place

I was reminded yet again last night the incredible power and importance in staking your flag into the ground and proclaiming “I am here now“. The willingness to be present where you are at has not only become counter cultural but it has become, what I would consider, a dangerously ignored way of living. Too often the geographical disparity between where we live, work, and play is such that we are left as scattered people living in five different relational and geographical spheres in a scatter-brained sort of way that does not cultivate a soil that is fertile for rootedness and growth both for individuals and as a community.

After laying on my back for what’s felt like weeks (has it been?) last night was my one last hurrah as I spent too much time at one of downtown Vancouver’s pubs for a birthday party and fund raiser for one of Vancouver’s finest. By the time I got home (after a couple of hours) I could barely move and my chest, leg, and sides were swollen and hard as a rock (though with all my normal exercise  this is pretty typical I’m sure…riiiight…) but what a way to enter into my final day of waiting for this surgery! I looked around this pub and saw person after person after person who were not just a part of an actual community, but people who had gone through a conversion of place. These stories are not mine to tell, at least not here, but they are powerful stories of individuals who have found new life because they (for different reasons) were able to lift their head up in downtown Vancouver and see the people around them. I probably should rephrase that somehow because I don’t think it usually happens on ones own. I don’t think the redemption stories of place often happen through one standing up straight and walking differently but rather it happens as one person catches the gaze of another and draws that persons eyes up to the place where they are at. Metaphorically we spend much of our time where we live, work, and play with our heads down. But the rockstars I spent time with last night had their heads lifted up (in one way or another) and are finding significance, meaning, and a life of sacrifice for the sake of others. They’ve had a conversion of place. I’m glad that place is downtown Vancouver. And while I absolutely love downtown Vancouver I don’t think it actually has anything to do with this specific place. If I lived in Camas I would hope to be able to be a part of the same conversion experience. It’s not just about the uniqueness and specialness of a place, it’s about the belief that there is something special about each and every person–that a place is simply a gathering of individuals–and that as we collectively lift our heads up and say I am here now we are actually recognizing the presence of each other.

So be present where you’re at. Be here now.

Our Story As Best I Can Tell It Now

I don’t know why I didn’t do this first thing, but let me lay out for you as best I can the story of what’s been going on the last few months with regard to all this filthy disease stuff.

  • Over 4 months ago my right leg randomly stopped working. There was no pain, no numbness, nothing particularly alarming. It just flopped. I actually noticed it while walking down main street, I was annoyed at the sound of my foot slapping the ground. I didn’t think much of it and just tried to walk “better” to the extent that I didn’t even think to tell my wife. It was probably a strained muscle (I work out so often right?!). Jess noticed about three weeks later as she claimed I was “lumbering as if i had gained weight”
  • My parents bugged me, my wife lovingly requested me, and finally I saw a doctor. The doc checked me out, had me stand on one foot (poorly), and a battery of other tests that showed that…surprise…I couldn’t stand up well. She began to order an MRI of my lower back because of my single symptom but instead decided to check with a neurologist colleague at OHSU who changed the order to a neck and upper back scan. This change changed everything. Had it not been for that change the tumor would have been completely missed by the scan!
  • And then my clinic did what they seem to do well…they never followed up on the MRI order. In a way it worked well because it allowed us to continue our family trip to Disneyland without any larger impending cloud raining on our adventure. The only negative here was that the week before our trip south I started getting more symptoms. Numbness in my feet, sharp unbearable pains in my back, tingling in my ‘good’ leg, and shooting abdominal pain. In one last effort I tried to see my doctor before we drove to the DL but was informed that she was only seeing women that day…so I laughed, wrote it off, popped lots of Advil, and waited ’till we got back from our trip.
  • Disneyland was awesome and I won’t tell you about it here. The stroller served as my cain and I hobbled around just fine. I had to be somewhat cautious about what rides I went on and only made a bad choice once…or twice. Otherwise, a slow pace, a stroller, lots of pauses, and Advil kept me moving just fine.
  • On the first Monday back from an amazing time in Disneyland I was finally able to sit for an MRI (it only took me calling the MRI office and my clinic to personally make the referral happen). From morning ’till afternoon I laid still for differing MRI machines as they sought a powerful enough one to see through my massive muscles (I think that was the reason). They told me it’d be 4-5 days to get a report but it was that very night that we had a missed call from my doctor…For me this was the first legitimate sign that I actually had something wrong: super rushed results.
  • Tuesday morning we went into our clinic for a follow up appointment to Jones’ swollen lymph nodes and I came along to hear from the doctor instead of over the phone the rushed results of my MRI. I and India in one room with my doctor, Jess and Jones in another room with his doctor, we came out to share the news with each other that I had a spinal tumor and Jones could possibly have lymphoma. Not a great start to the morning. From the lobby Jess left to get Jones’ chest x-rayed and I left for a meeting…and our day was off (though this time with some new knowledge!) My doctor assured me that she had rushed the surgeon referral and that I’d hear from a surgeon within 24 hours to answer any of my questions (because she had very few if any answers) so without any information really (size, type, placement, etc.) I waited to hear from a surgeon.
  • By Wednesday afternoon I had still not heard from a surgeon, so I called and got my surgeons number and rang his office…they’d never heard of me nor received a referral. So I called my clinic and they let me know that it’d be a two week process to get the referral through. I asked to see my doctor (still wanting some basic info and some pain meds) and they said that she wasn’t in but that I could schedule an appointment for June 13th. I asked when she’d next be standing in the office and they said tomorrow…I said that I’d be there in the morning. Instead, actually, we ended up going to the ER so we could talk to a real live doctor and medical staff who might be able to tell us what kind of tumor I had, what the time frame was, and whether or not I could get some real pain killers. Best. Move. Ever. Within a couple of minutes of entering the ER I was rushed to the back and sitting with a great doctor who used to work in neurology. I left about an hour later with some basic (though not detailed) understanding of the type of tumor I had, the types that it could be, and (most importantly) with an appointment to see a real live surgeon the following day.
  • On Thursday the hammer dropped and I was finally able to sit down with my surgeon and find out what’s going on. Quickly I discovered that the chances of cancer were small (10%), that the tumor was actually inside my spinal cord splitting it into two, that I was looking at a 5-6 hour surgery where they’d be shaving off unneeded parts of my spine and filleting my cord open in order to remove the two inch tumor sitting inside. I learned that it’s most likely a nice encapsulated tumor that shouldn’t have fingers or tentacles reaching into my nerves (very very good news!), and I learned that I could be in the hospital anywhere from 1-6 weeks depending on nerve damage. I nearly passed out as he shared the information, but it was truly a relief to finally know what lay before me.
  • The surgery wasn’t scheduled until Tuesday, May 31st in order to give my body time to soak up some delicious steroids that will reduce inflammation and also to allow for a team of technicians to be assembled that will put pins and needles in me during surgery and monitor my nerves so as to keep the surgeon from damaging anything more than what’s already been damaged. Essentially the surgeon will poke around in my spine until he finds the least obtrusive way in to get rid of my little tag-a-long in hopes that he will not do any greater damage to my glorious nerves making my bottom half function.
  • Since then it’s been a process of figuring out what functioning looks like until the surgery. The ‘roids are doing a number on my body and the tumor continues to tweak its way that it bugs me. At any given moment my whole abdomen edging up into my lungs goes numb and swells, my face and jaw ache constantly and swell and go numb as well. My ‘roid rage is coming out through tearing up constantly (read that blog post here) and I’m also kind of angry all the time (which is completely abnormal for me). The sharp pains in my back are pretty much gone thanks to the steroids and vicadin but I’ve found that the more I’m off my back the less of my body and face I can feel, the more my heart races, the more tired I get, and the harder it gets to walk. It’s been a tightrope trying to figure out if I should lay flat and be bored out of my mind and useless or up and moving and make my body function worse…but who cares right ’cause I’m getting this thing cut out in just a couple more days!!!
  • All through this I have felt incredibly blessed. Seriously. What if I had found this stuff out right before Disneyland? I’m glad I didn’t. This could have happened a month or two sooner and messed with me finishing grad school. I’ve got an amazing surgeon who has come recommended by three different medical professionals from three different hospitals! I am constantly (constantly!) being reminded of how loved and cared for I am by my neighborhood community, by my former (and present) church communities, by my family, and friends. I have heard overwhelming reports of people (and whole churches) praying from the Philippines, to Korea, Italy, Uganda, Canada, and all over the US.
  • The story is so much more nebulous with Jones right now. Until yesterday he was chilling with a 105 fever for a week and we’re still waiting to get his lymph nodes biopsied. Yesterday, however, he woke up with one of his larger lymphs extra swollen and harder so now, while I begin my surgery on Tuesday Jess will be scheduling his biopsy. The life of a mom eh!? We’re continuing to pray against lymphoma being a part of his story.

Thank you for the notes, emails, thoughts, and prayers. We don’t really know what’s ahead of us in many ways but we are moving forward with confidence in what God has and is doing in and around our lives. God’s story (as I understand it in the Bible and in my own experiences) is always this mysterious blend of messy life and surprising hope. I feel like we’re living in that tension along with a giant cloud of witnesses that include many of you standing beside us who have walked in messier places, who have experienced hope more fully, and who are inviting us into a way of living that is both beautiful, difficult, and ripe with significance.


Brought to Tears…Awkwardly…

I can honestly say (I think) that my wife and I show compassion to people. But I can also honestly say (I think) that we’re also a little like automaton droids who have no feelings. I have no feelings because I’m an even tempered guy who seeks to cultivate peace in his surroundings–essentially, extremes are avoided and an easy going or laid back emotional response to things is safe and manageable. Jess is more of a pleasure seeker as a person, generally trying to enjoy the good life and avoiding painful stuff. This leads both of us toward a path of not often experiencing extreme emotions (I should say here that I’m actually more thinking about negative emotions…crying I should say.)

So for me to turn into a crier over the last 48 hours has been awkward and humorous all at the same time. I can’t stop tearing up. About everything. Insignificant things. Dumb things. Funny things. Touching things.

Here’s a list off the top of my head of what’s brought tears to my eyes over the last 48 hours. Oh, and let me preface this by saying that this is an awesome and completely honest list:

  • X-Men 2 the movie
  • Listening to Edwin Mccain sing “I’ll be”
  • Listening to Enrique Iglesias sing “I can be your hero baby”
  • Emails where people tell me they’re praying for me
  • Reading some of Jesus’ words this morning
  • Watching Law and Order
  • Telling my wife that I teared up while watching X-Men
  • Journaling this morning
  • Reading about people’s plans to pray for me during the surgery
  • Writing this list

I blame my ‘roid rage.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-27

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-20 #
  • Just saw an amazing naturopath(sp?) that is going to be really helpful in repairing my damaged nerves and keeping the swelling down l… #
  • Leaving from the commune tomorrow at 6pm to walk downtown and canvas the empty and abandoned buildings with "I wish this was" sticker… #
  • Throw my wife a frickin' bone, India woke up with a 101.5 temp and Jones with a 103! This means that I've either got to hide out or k… #
  • Ryan and Jessica Woods' Downtown Dispatch – #
  • Our good friends at Compass Church and Renovatus Church are hosting a brief time of prayer on Monday night (the night before the surg… #
  • It was a great (and brief) surprise to run into Ryan Kuzma and Stephanie Zitzwitz yesterday downtown. I miss the Outback crew. #
  • Jessica Woods and Jones are off to the ER since his bodies staying at a 105.5 temp. Poor kid and poor wife! Luckily India is sleeping… #
  • I never realized the cast of the crappy movie "Mars Attacks" Glenn Close, Jack Nicholson, Annette Benning, Pierce Brosnan, Danny Devi… #
  • FACT: Christians Cannot Be Boring…right? #
  • Can't sleep. #
  • "Lord, you receive all of us sinners, asking only that we turn from death toward life. Today we chose life wherever we find a strange… #
  • Thats right, I'm going to watch an episode of glee. #

FACT: Christians Cannot Be Boring…right?

Very few people, if any, want to be considered dull. I certainly don’t want you to think I’m boring…or even worse, I don’t want to actually be boring! Boring people are…well…kind of boring to be around.

On the side of a hill one day Jesus powerfully told a group of outcast followers that

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

These are especially powerful words if you consider them written to marginalized people with little financial, political, or legal control in their lives. Think about it, how many of us have moments where we approach a migrant worker and let them know that their lives bring flavor to our world, that if they stop being who they are our world will lack zest and flavor–that essentially we not only need them but want them to be a part of our world! (as a side note, this is the potential beauty of a little idea festering on Facebook called “Vancouver Speaks” that seeks to honor the often invisible people who bring life and meaning to the city of Vancouver. Check her out and engage)

Even though it’s a powerful idea to remember that Jesus often elevated marginalized people into places of honor and beauty it still does not actually get to the point of his words about flavor. His point, I think, was that in following Jesus–in taking up his invitation to live radically, to love radically, to be transformed by an alternative (and redemptive) story one becomes a flavor changing force in the world around! Those who follow Jesus cannot be boring people because they are living out the epic story of hope, significance, meaning, sacrifice, and generosity! If you’re not bringing flavor then what are you doing?

Christians should be genuinely worried about being boring. They should be genuinely concerned with living out of the reality of the Jesus story which is one that brings joy and empowerment to marginalized peoples, it invites us to honor and dignify our children and elderly, it questions our selfishness and invites us into otherness, it should be tasty, flavorful, refreshing, and useful.

Because if your story doesn’t taste good…what’s the point?