Jones' Story

I’ve transcribed these stories for Jones. They are word for word, straight from him. It’s bedtime right now so naturally these are not his most detailed stories but I hope they are a window into my wonderful little boy’s imagination.

Once upon a time there was a duck. And he was a nice duck. And he would like to play with all the boys and girls and mans and mommies and daddies and grandmas and dads and papas. And he did all such nice things. Do you know what? He ate every single food that the people gave him. And the boys gave him food but not the mommies and daddies ’cause the mommies and daddies were sleeping. And you know what? That was the end.

Once upon a time there was a frog. Frog. And he was nice. And he was trying to do nice stuff. And you know what? To be continued. Ok? We’ll get the rest of it tomorrow.

Once upon a time there was a crazy crazy crazy crazy duckling. He lived with his mommy and daddy duck. The duckling went off in

the water snorkeling under the water. And his mommy and dad said where is that duckling? And he said “I’m under the waaaater”. And they found him! He was in the water. He was in the water with the elephants. He was just sayin’ hello to the baby elephants and then he came out of the water. Then the duckling was going underneath the water and the mommy and daddy duck went with him to the big elephants. All of a sudden they got to the grass and they saw the big elephants. And you know what? The baby elephants were under the water and the mommy and daddy elephants could find them. And the babies said “I’m under the water!” Then they went on a trip to all the big elephants. And the big elephants ate the baby duckling. The end.

Once upon a time there was a silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly duck. He was a big duck. And he was nice. The baby duckling grew up in that elephants tummy and the elephant spit him up and the elephant made him alive again. To be continued. We’ll read this story tomorrow.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-29

  • Ryan Is updating his facebook status in the middle of a lutheran worship service. #
  • Ryan is now sitting in a presbyterian church. Check out my blog tommorrow to read my reflections. #
  • Ryan just posted his blog about visiting a few churches. You can view it at Got anything to add? #
  • Ryan thinks that the word ‘merchant’ should be used as a name for a merman. As in: Ariel did not marry a merchant but instead gave her he.. #
  • Ryan has decided that potato skins are much more slippery than banana peels…no joke. #
  • Ryan is wondering if you’d rather know the truth and be miserable or be ignorant and happy (as if they’re the only 2 options!) #
  • Ryan is impressed by God and his design of the Bible. God’s pretty impressive if you ask me. #
  • Ryan needs your help. I’ve issued a challenge to gather 107 comments on my blog: please comment and make me fe.. #
  • Ryan wants to let everyone know that his March newsletter is available at: #
  • Ryan is sad that a cat played one of our chickens to death. Poor Pip is dead. #

Limb Stepping

This is scary but I’m doing it anyway. If you’ll notice I’ve got a new widget on the side of my blog that lists my most commented on blog posts in history. You’ll then notice that the top one has 107 comments. Back then there were more people I knew blogging. Back then there were more people commenting. These days comments are few and far between.

What’s that? What’s that I hear? Is that a challenge?

You’re on. You’re on like applesauce.

Lets see if we can break the odds, lets see if we can break 107. Is that possible? I realize I’m asking a lot. But the challenge has been made. I realize I’m asking us all to sacrifice. So lets make it easy, here are some suggestions, some ways that I think we can make it happen and also a few rules:

  • Just give a shout out- Tell me you’re there if you’ve never commented before
  • One idea is to follow suit of a status update from facebook and start a story by writing one line that the next commenter then adds to
  • Don’t comment 107 times in a row please, that would cheapen it a little bit
  • Share the love and invite a friend or two to help me reach this goal
  • Say whatever you want and just have fun with it…I know I will.

Oh, and one last thing…if I don’t get my comments I will be humiliated in front of all my friends.