Aint No Reason

I love the lyrics to this Brett Dennen song “Aint No Reason”. He may be a pot smokin’ hippie, but he speaks a lot of truth in this song.

There ain’t no reason things are this way.
Its how they always been and they intend to stay.
I can’t explain why we live this way, we do it everyday. 
Preachers on the podium speakin’ of saints in seance,
Prophets on the sidewalk beggin’ for change,
Old ladies laughing from the fire escape, cursing my name.
I got a basket full of lemons and they all taste the same,
A window and a pigeon with a broken wing,
You can spend your whole life workin’ for something
Just to have it taken away.
People walk around pushing back their debts,
Wearing pay checks like necklaces and bracelets,
Talking ‘bout nothing, not thinking ‘bout death,
Every little heartbeat, every little breath.
People walk a tight rope on a razors edge
Carrying their hurt and hatred and weapons.
It could be a bomb or a bullet or a pen
Or a thought or a word or a sentence.

There Ain’t no reason things are this way.
It’s how they always been and they intend to stay
I don’t know why I say the things I say, but I say them anyway.
But love will come set me free
Love will come set me free,I do believe 
Love will come set me free, I know it will
Love will come set me free, yes.

Prison walls still standing tall,
Some things never change at all.
Keep on buildin’ prisons, gonna fill them all,
Keep on buildin’ bombs, gonna drop them all.
Working your fingers bear to the bone,
Breaking your back, make you sell your soul.
Like a lung that’s filled with coal, suffocatin’ slow.
The wind blows wild and I may move,
The politicians lie and I am not fooled.
You don’t need no reason or a three piece suit to argue the truth.
The air on my skin and the world under my toes,
Slavery stitched into the fabric of my clothes,
Chaos and commotion wherever I go, love I try to follow.

Love will come set me free
Love will come set me free, I do believe
Love will come set me free, I know it will
Love will come set me free, yes.

There ain’t no reason things are this way
It’s how they always been and they intend to stay
I can’t explain why we live this way, we do it everyday


dsc_00661Why is my three year old son a teenager already? Yesterday he wanted to gather every single blanket in the house to build a “castle” on his new loft bed. (as a side note, my daughter is pulling up my shirt and tickling me right now) When I wouldn’t allow Jones to put EVERY blanket in the house on his bed he broke down in tears and ran out to Jessica and stated through his sobs “Why is dad ruining my life!”

What! I’m ruining my three year olds life! I should feel more bad than I do. More than feeling bad, I’m just sad that my sons life is so pathetic and easy to ruin.

Teenagers. Sheesh.


The new newsletter’s out. Check it out and please keep all grammar corrections to yourself!

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As a side note, I’m always confused and intrigued by the spelling of “February”

Dating Food

My wife and I have been in a date desert (no not “dessert”, because that would be awesome. “Desert” as in barren wasteland). It sucks. And we’re forcing ourselves to move out of it. Excuses: Two kids. Two jobs each. No money. Tired. Dirty House. Sick kids. Busy.

I never thought we’d be that married couple that didn’t go on dates regularly together but without paying attention we’ve become what we didn’t want to be. So we’re fixing it.

Don’t call me on Thursday mornings ok? I’ll be busy. I’ll be drinking coffee with my wife (or insert your own cheap relaxing date activity here). It’s not much, but it’s a start. You know what we did last Thursday? We went to Goodwill. It was awesome.

On a much more exciting note we’re using a chunk of our tax return to go on a longer date together. We’re getting rid of the kids for 2.5 days so that we can spend time together. Alone. We’ve been spending lots of small stolen moments between poop and throwup messes to talk about what we want to do on our 2.5 day date. And so far we’ve decided to get fat. Yup, that’s right, we’re going to Powells and we’re getting fat because so far all we want to do is go to different places and get desserts and appetizers and dinner and snacks and pastries, and pizza, and crepes, and…books (you can never leave books out of the equasion).

I can’t wait to spend a longer amount of time with my wife (and PF Changs, and Laughing Planet, and Corbett Fishhouse, and Mississippi Pizza, and that one gluten free pastry place, and Mon Ami, and the Melting Pot, and…I really love my wife!

* a couple of quick side notes. Every single time I type “pf changs” I accidentally first type “pf changes” which nearly every time I keep because it’s so funny. I liked the title of this post because it made me think of an episode of Sienfeld. I also enjoyed all the short abreviated sentences in this post. All around, this general, not too special post brought me great joy.

Urban Dictionary

I just was sorely disappointed to find out that I am in the Urban Dictionary. I cannot write everything down that was said about my name but I can give you its first definition:

Ryan Woods: a man in a woman’s dress, or crossdresser

