In general “we” is a good term to use. I like to think that my general thought patterns happen in a “we” context. I value community, I believe it’s core to how God has created us to live and breathe…but I’ve created a problem, and it is not of noble origins.

Apparently, there are many times where I say “we” when I should be saying “me”. I’ve heard this from my wife today which reminded me of when I heard it from a friend a while back Apparently I say things like “yeah we really suck at that” when in reality I’m no good and I’m just including that person with me. Other times I say “we’ve really got to get better about picking up after ourseves (you can insert any chore here)” what has happened with my wife is that me saying that ends up communicating to her that SHE needs to start picking up after herself. Because I wouldn’t include her in the mix unless I was thinking that she was needing to do it. I guess that most people speak about themselves, “I need to start taking out the trash every day” or “I’m really terrible at this game!” I’d like to think that I do this because of my intense love of community…but the sad reality is that probably deep down it makes me feel better to be miserable with someone else. Not too noble eh?

I guess we’ll all need to work on this.


Well, I’m off to beautiful sunny Orlando, Florida in about two hours! The last time I was in Orlando it was to go to Disneyworld. I was an acne covered, scrawny, and somewhat handsome fifteen year old.

This time around, however, there will be no six foot mice greeting me. Instead I’m on my way to the Exponential Conference to hear some of the greatest speakers in church planting from around the globe (speaking of globes, I really wanted to buy one at Goodwill the other day). I’m looking for any and every way that I can grow myself into a better leader and a more healthy church planter.

Pray for the trip, but most of all please pray for Jess as she’s going to be home with both kids, babysitting another, dog sitting, speaking at church, hosting our home community, going to math class 5 days a week, and saving the world all while I’m gone! Jess and I work as partners, as a team in nearly everything we do, so it’s hard to go to such an exciting event without her. It just doesn’t seem right.

I’ll try to update often while I’m there. Peace out friends.

Dating Food

My wife and I have been in a date desert (no not “dessert”, because that would be awesome. “Desert” as in barren wasteland). It sucks. And we’re forcing ourselves to move out of it. Excuses: Two kids. Two jobs each. No money. Tired. Dirty House. Sick kids. Busy.

I never thought we’d be that married couple that didn’t go on dates regularly together but without paying attention we’ve become what we didn’t want to be. So we’re fixing it.

Don’t call me on Thursday mornings ok? I’ll be busy. I’ll be drinking coffee with my wife (or insert your own cheap relaxing date activity here). It’s not much, but it’s a start. You know what we did last Thursday? We went to Goodwill. It was awesome.

On a much more exciting note we’re using a chunk of our tax return to go on a longer date together. We’re getting rid of the kids for 2.5 days so that we can spend time together. Alone. We’ve been spending lots of small stolen moments between poop and throwup messes to talk about what we want to do on our 2.5 day date. And so far we’ve decided to get fat. Yup, that’s right, we’re going to Powells and we’re getting fat because so far all we want to do is go to different places and get desserts and appetizers and dinner and snacks and pastries, and pizza, and crepes, and…books (you can never leave books out of the equasion).

I can’t wait to spend a longer amount of time with my wife (and PF Changs, and Laughing Planet, and Corbett Fishhouse, and Mississippi Pizza, and that one gluten free pastry place, and Mon Ami, and the Melting Pot, and…I really love my wife!

* a couple of quick side notes. Every single time I type “pf changs” I accidentally first type “pf changes” which nearly every time I keep because it’s so funny. I liked the title of this post because it made me think of an episode of Sienfeld. I also enjoyed all the short abreviated sentences in this post. All around, this general, not too special post brought me great joy.