Is Andy Bernard a Member of the Church of Christ?

This hits a little too close to my church heritage.

A Video Worth Watching

I know its Conan. I know it’s some random comedian. I know it’s on the evil television. But this video clip is dead on right (from my opinion) and can teach each and every one of us a lot. Sorry ’bout the poor quality.

Thanks Cone-Bone (that’s Conan’s nickname, not just some random awkward statement I’ve thrown in here).

Never Give Up

Ok, I’m not giving up on my last posts attempt at comment superi0rity, but I’ve got to share this video.

I know, I know, it’s Southpark, and I’m a church planter. Southpark is evil, they say bad words, etc. But there are times when Southpark so perfectly mocks everything happeneing in our culture that it brings me great joy.

You’ve got to watch this episode. Yes, they mock Christianity, but the way in which they weave all the mockery is simply amazing.
Part 1 (go to to watch the rest)