Post Modern Thought

I found my son climbing on top of his play kitchen just a few minutes ago. He’s got a climbing structure in his play area for climbing and is not supposed to climb on his other stuff. I asked him if he thought that it was a good choice to climb on his play kitchen and he responded:

Daddy, daddy, dad, dad, I’ve thought about this and I’ve decided that this is a good choice for me. It’s a good choice for me, but it’s not a good choice for you. Maybe its not a good idea for you, but it is for me.

If you’re familiar with the discussion on post modernity and the post modern way of thought, you’d be happy (or grieved) to see that my son apparently is the epitome of today’s generation.

My Precious Un-Dead Brian

Brian is a good friend of mine. I was only with him for 8ish months while we both studied in Lubbock, TX, and I see him maybe once every other year. But the memories we have made are priceless…and lets be honest, it’s because of him. He’s a wandering adventurer. Here are some things you could have experience had you followed me following Brian:

  1. Summited Mount Olympus
  2. Danced through the winter wonderland of Luxembourg
  3. Spent the night in a Swiss bank
  4. Been attacked by a mountain goat
  5. Climbed ‘neath the earth of the Parthenon and spoke on behalf of the gods
  6. Ate baby sea turtles on Crete (or at least threatened to)
  7. Been detained by security in the basement of the famous New York Library
  8. Bounced on top of a 25 foot tallĀ  balloon with a tennis court inside
  9. Danced naked in the snow of Germany
  10. Watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on Broadway
  11. Wore speedoes in the beautiful Harding University fountain
  12. Been kicked out of the University of Zurich museum
  13. Been threatened to be arrested by New Yorks finest (this isn’t probably all that original for many, but for me it was something rare)
  14. Taken over the dance floor of a run down Elks Club in the heart of Searcy, Arkansas (i.e. behind the Walmart)

Oh the stories I could add to this. If I were to think hard, if I work to give my best effort I could probably easily make a list of 25 random, odd, and strange things that have occured while chillin’ with Brian in New York City, Cornwall, Vancouver, Liege, Greece, Luxembourg, Germany, Arkansas…

Thank you Brian.

A Video Worth Watching

I know its Conan. I know it’s some random comedian. I know it’s on the evil television. But this video clip is dead on right (from my opinion) and can teach each and every one of us a lot. Sorry ’bout the poor quality.

Thanks Cone-Bone (that’s Conan’s nickname, not just some random awkward statement I’ve thrown in here).