Brian is a good friend of mine. I was only with him for 8ish months while we both studied in Lubbock, TX, and I see him maybe once every other year. But the memories we have made are priceless…and lets be honest, it’s because of him. He’s a wandering adventurer. Here are some things you could have experience had you followed me following Brian:
- Summited Mount Olympus
- Danced through the winter wonderland of Luxembourg
- Spent the night in a Swiss bank
- Been attacked by a mountain goat
- Climbed ‘neath the earth of the Parthenon and spoke on behalf of the gods
- Ate baby sea turtles on Crete (or at least threatened to)
- Been detained by security in the basement of the famous New York Library
- Bounced on top of a 25 foot tallĀ balloon with a tennis court inside
- Danced naked in the snow of Germany
- Watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on Broadway
- Wore speedoes in the beautiful Harding University fountain
- Been kicked out of the University of Zurich museum
- Been threatened to be arrested by New Yorks finest (this isn’t probably all that original for many, but for me it was something rare)
- Taken over the dance floor of a run down Elks Club in the heart of Searcy, Arkansas (i.e. behind the Walmart)
Oh the stories I could add to this. If I were to think hard, if I work to give my best effort I could probably easily make a list of 25 random, odd, and strange things that have occured while chillin’ with Brian in New York City, Cornwall, Vancouver, Liege, Greece, Luxembourg, Germany, Arkansas…
Thank you Brian.