Grandfather Ryan

I forgot that at one point I was the grandfather of a fledgling community known as the blogmunity (I realize that this is a common used word these days). Before I started blogging I knew a few bloggers. Tabitha. Ike. And maybe a few more. But the moment I began blogging I brought along my padawan Arwen. Shortly thereafter my wife, two sisters, and a number of other friends began blogging. At one point even my arch nemesis Raj Van Allen was an active part of the blogmunity.

With all that said, about a month ago I did the unthinkable and left blogger for my new friend wordpress. It was a neccesary but sad move, a move that I knew would one day happen. But what surprised me was the fact that my young padawan Arwen quickly followed me to the wordpress airwaves. It’s good to see that daddy still has some influence in his childrens lives. Enjoy wordpress R-1.

Urban Dictionary

I just was sorely disappointed to find out that I am in the Urban Dictionary. I cannot write everything down that was said about my name but I can give you its first definition:

Ryan Woods: a man in a woman’s dress, or crossdresser

