Why I Don't Give Blood

I had a friend offer me his liver yesterday. No joke. I don’t need a liver and I don’t plan on needing one, but if I do need one I genuinely believe that I’ve got a liver available to me. Not for any good reason but because life if just like this, the two of us had not talked in a couple of years so it was great to have a short but in depth conversation about life, the stuff my family is going through, and what’s been going on in his world. Here’s the thing, this guy is the kind of person who is serious when he says that he’ll give you his body part. I’ve never seen him give a body part away before but I’ve  seen him give his jacket off his back to people (literally), I’ve seen him give generously to people time and time again because that’s what he does. He gives.

Another friend of mine just registered as a bone marrow donor. Donating blood is something, donating a couch to Goodwill is another, but donating bone marrow makes you a pretty awesome person. Lets all raise our hands if we’re registered as a bone marrow donor? Anyone? Bueller…Bueller…When I asked him about it and tried to show how impressed I was by his awesomeness (as a quick side note it brings me joy that ‘awesomeness’ is actually a word) he seemed slightly annoyed that I’d even think it was anything beyond what a normal person would do. He asked me why he wouldn’t register to do it…and I quickly came up with a number of reasons that I kept quietly in my head. He seemed to think that it was a normal and decent thing to do to give something freely that you had available and that could possibly save someones life. I’m not sold on his logic but I see his point…ok, maybe he’s right.

I’ve never given blood. Not once. I don’t like needles. My friend gives his liver away, my other friend gives his bones away, and I’ve never given an ounce of my blood away.

After being in the rehab facility for a few days I woke up one morning at 4:30 AM to a woman touching my arm while gently waking me. It was a phlebotomist and she was going to draw my blood…yes, at 4:30 in the morning. Turns out they were worried about my platelets and my morning poke became a ritual for the remainder of my stay in physical therapy. Every morning between 4:30 and 6:00 a phlebotomist would come in and jab me for some blood. It became ritual, I’d anticipate their arrival, they’d use the same bruised hole every time, I’d always make some goofy joke, they’d never laugh. It was nice. It became normal.

My friends give their bodies away piecemeal and the only person I’ve ever given a part of my body or blood away to was myself. What’s up with that!? I want to be like Daniel and Chris. Who’s with me? Who wants to give away a liver or two (we have two right)?

Tomorrow I’m throwing my liver in the ring and there’s nothing you can do about it.

PS…should this have been a Father’s Day blog?

Final Thoughts?

Some final thoughts prior to bedtime, night before the surgery…

  • There we were, the four of us sitting together on India’s bed this morning trying to discuss the reality of the day or two head of us. Daddy: “Today’s a big day kiddos! Today’s my last day with this tumor and then tomorrow the surgeon is going to take it out!” India: “Yay! Then we can eat it!” Jones: “India, it probably will feel like brain” Daddy: “I think it would taste and feel like a salty olive” Jones: “Dad, all olives are salty” Daddy: “right.”
  • A couple of minutes ago I was laying in bed with Jones trying to be a good dad and “encourage him” concerning tomorrows potential stress. Daddy: “Hey man, you got any questions about the big day tomorrow?” Jones: “Nope. What’s so special about tomorrow?” Daddy: “Well I’m going to get that tumor out of course!” Jones: “What’s so special about that? People have tumors all over the world right now.” Daddy: “That’s so true man. I guess it’s something new for our family, but its pretty normal across the whole world huh?” Jones: “Yeah, people are dying in some parts of the world right now with tumors” Daddy: “Dying? I think lots of people are having their tumors taken out and are being saved right now!” Jones: “What about people with tumors in Africa where there might not be good doctors or adequate medical facilities?” Daddy: “Wow, you’re right man. I guess we should feel really lucky to have such good doctors huh.” Jones: “yeah…” Daddy: “Umm…ok, well…I love you. Any other thoughts or questions?” Jones: “Nope. Can I have another pillow?”
  • I won’t take too much time to report on the overwhelming, amazing, beautiful night that was the prayer time hosted for our family at Compass church this evening. I cried too much. There were too many people. It was beautiful in its depth and simplicity. It felt right, it felt like community, it felt like God, it felt…uhh….I just don’t have words right now. Thank you all so so much. I can’t think of any better way  to enter into tomorrows surgery than with what happened tonight. Maybe I can write more cohesively about this another time. Thank you.
  • Finally…no better way to follow up a night of prayer and a fast starting at midnight with pizza and Cold Stone ice cream.
  • Surgery is scheduled for noon.
  • Oh, and last thing, I’ve been told to repost this one more time…If you’d like to help my fam while I’m locked up in the hospital, here’s what’s been setup:
    • If you would like to provide meals or gift cards please contact Erika Albright on Facebook, email (ealbright2k3@gmail.com), or phone 360-521-4143
    • If you would like to help with jobs that need to be done. From laundry to yard work. Please contact Patty Jacobs-Kunkle on Facebook, email pattykunkle@msn.com, or call her at 360-798-7139
    • If you would like to contribute money to Ryan’s medical bills you can do that at any Columbia Credit Union in Ryan Woods’s name. account # 444289 or through online giving here:http://ow.ly/3yjhL or by sending a check to PO Box 873575 Vancouver, WA 98687 written to “Renovatus” and marked for Ryan Woods


Brought to Tears…Awkwardly…

I can honestly say (I think) that my wife and I show compassion to people. But I can also honestly say (I think) that we’re also a little like automaton droids who have no feelings. I have no feelings because I’m an even tempered guy who seeks to cultivate peace in his surroundings–essentially, extremes are avoided and an easy going or laid back emotional response to things is safe and manageable. Jess is more of a pleasure seeker as a person, generally trying to enjoy the good life and avoiding painful stuff. This leads both of us toward a path of not often experiencing extreme emotions (I should say here that I’m actually more thinking about negative emotions…crying I should say.)

So for me to turn into a crier over the last 48 hours has been awkward and humorous all at the same time. I can’t stop tearing up. About everything. Insignificant things. Dumb things. Funny things. Touching things.

Here’s a list off the top of my head of what’s brought tears to my eyes over the last 48 hours. Oh, and let me preface this by saying that this is an awesome and completely honest list:

  • X-Men 2 the movie
  • Listening to Edwin Mccain sing “I’ll be”
  • Listening to Enrique Iglesias sing “I can be your hero baby”
  • Emails where people tell me they’re praying for me
  • Reading some of Jesus’ words this morning
  • Watching Law and Order
  • Telling my wife that I teared up while watching X-Men
  • Journaling this morning
  • Reading about people’s plans to pray for me during the surgery
  • Writing this list

I blame my ‘roid rage.

H.O.O.P Fundraiser Anyone: why circumcision is evil*

There will be a measure on the San Francisco ballot to ban circumcision. (read it here) Some people are outraged. Some people that are not Jewish are outraged. Should we be outraged?

In other news it is illegal to tattoo your children. (read it here)

When our son was born the doctors were very clear that circumcision is a completely cosmetic procedure, it is a procedure that has absolutely no medical value and is done purely for looks. Is there a difference between circumcising your kid and tattooing them? Both create a permanent cosmetic change to your child without their consent. Both are painful. Both our needless. Both are slightly barbaric (or at least I can understand how both can be seen that way).

If Judaism and Christianity were not so influencing in our culture would we not also be outraged about the practice of circumcision? Should we nevertheless be outraged about it?

To be honest, I had my sons tip snipped. To be honest it’s probably because of some form of peer pressure. People didn’t exactly force me into it, but the only reason we did it was because “that’s what you do”. We didn’t do it because we see ourselves as united with an ancient Jewish spiritual movement (though this is true), we didn’t do it because contrary to our doctors warning we believed it was more healthy, and we didn’t do it because we wanted it to look better (I just gagged a little). We did it ’cause that’s what you do. I’m surprised we didn’t also take a hit off a bong, or hid in the alley behind our house and smoke a cigarette (we wouldn’t want our parents to see!), or take a sip of wine even though we were underage. It’d all be the same right?


* If there is any doubt– this title is exaggerated ’cause it is funny and more exciting. Lets not get carried away.

Why Christian Music Made me Deaf and Ignorant

My wife teases me because I don’t notice the lyrics to music. We can be listening to the same song and I’ll have no idea what the songs about. Even when I try really hard to listen to the words in a song I find that I’m barely capable of doing so. What’s my problem? Do you know how many times I listened to Kansas’ “Carry on Wayward Son” while I worked at Outback? Do you know how much of that song I can sing? Yeah, it’s a bit pathetic.

For some time I’ve written all of this off on the way my brain takes in and stores information. Music does not in any way aid in my learning, in fact I have a hard time learning anything if music is playing in the background. And while I realize that there’s probably a lot of truth in this, I think I’ve discovered the real core issue. Contemporary Christian music.

I grew up listening to Contemporary Christian Music. Have you listened to it? For every song that makes churchgoers weep (due to its powerful lyrics not it’s terrible melody…though both could be true) there are three songs whose lyrics are painfully cheesy, trite, and shallow. The reason I’m not skilled at hearing the lyrics to music is that I learned early on that the lyrics to music was not worth listening to! Contemporary Christian music made me deaf and ignorant!

Dear contemporary Christian music, I will get you back for what you’ve done to me. Do you realize how many times I’ve sang loudly the wrong lyrics to a song in public? Do you realize that you’ve made karaoke that much more difficult? Do you realize how you’ve hurt my future? Just wait, I’ll get you and I’ll get you where it hurts. Michael W. Smith, I’ve got my eyes on you.