MRI Results…

The preamble

In the last three weeks there have been a host of new symptoms developing in my body. I don’t know if I was ever fully aware of how long the list was until we actually wrote it down in preparation for today’s appointment with the oncologist.

  • Terrible night sweats and hot flashes throughout the day
  • Creepy body spasms that happen as I sleep
  • Random swelling in feet, hands, face, and legs
  • Random tingling/extra numbness in legs or feet (different than my ‘normal’ leg/feet numbness)
  • Almost daily hot and throbbing headaches that last only about thirty seconds
  • Debilitating back pain
  • And some issues with urination and such that I won’t talk about extensively here!

So we expected some bad news…in fact, we almost hoped that there would be some kind of explanation for the developing symptoms. What we both genuinely expected was that the lower new tumor had grown significantly. This wasn’t the case.

The tumor update in all it’s terrible glory:

At this point in time virtually my entire spinal cord is surrounded by a ‘tumor sheath’. I don’t currently have the actual vertebrae count, but it is most of my spinal cord and it has a layer of tumor around it and the best way I’m finding to describe it is with the word sheath or casing. Additionally there is a clear tumor mass where my original surgery once was. (to clarify this point, up until now they have been able to identify that there was a growing mass here but it could be tumor, it could be radiation damage, or it could inflammation. Today, for the first time it is very clearly and undeniably tumor growth) So we went from one tumor four months ago, to three tumors two months ago, to…well, I’m not even sure how to categorize where we’re at now. One giant tumor who is attempting to strangle out my entire spinal cord.

Treatment options

This is pretty radical growth in only a two month time period and necessitates changing our treatment approach.

Regarding treatment we will make a decision within one week. We need to move quickly but there are two factors that inhibit this. There are quite a few potential clinical trials that are very reliable and very hopeful (the reality is that clinical trials are not what they once were even a few years ago. They’re much safer, more successful, and more reliable than they’ve ever been before.) but a clinical trial would require waiting about a month to start…and we’re not sure we want to wait that long. The next, and likely option, is to use another drug called Avastin. This drug has been very valuable for central nervous system cancers and is not a bad option to pursue. Regardless it is sad to see one more thing crossed off our list of attempts:

  1. surgery
  2. radiation
  3. daily temodar (chemo)
  4. stronger monthly temodar (chemo)

The second factor is that we’re still waiting for results from an emergency brain MRI that I had done today. Somebody along the way goofed up and I didn’t get that piece of the scan done prior to our appointment today. So now we’ve got to wait until my doctor gets the results and calls me this evening with more information.

Where we’re at

I wish I had a good answer for this. I wish I had something inspirational to say…ok, lets be honest, I could very easily drum up something inspiring right now, I’m pretty sure of it. But I don’t want to. I don’t want to downplay just how shitty this news is. It is. It’s just terrible news. This doesn’t mean that I still don’t have hope that healing can happen. This doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that God is and will continue to tell a beautiful story in my life or death. This doesn’t mean that I’ve lost hope. It simply means that I’m sad and I don’t want to write that off, I don’t want to artificially push through it, I don’t want to disengage my emotions, I don’t want to do a disservice to the reality of where we are because I truly believe that if I’m unwilling to recognize hell for what it is then I’m less able to recognize its transformation into goodness when/as it occurs.

Pray for us as we talk to our kids about it. They knew that daddy had scans today and so we’ve made ourselves accountable to share with them results.

Thank you for your love and support.


Looking back while leaning forward…and waiting for results

Today we’ll meet with my oncologist again. At this very moment she’s meeting with the local tumor board, discussing my MRI scans from yesterday. Who knows what we’ll find out, each time we’ve gone in for results we’ve entered with certain expectations that are sometimes accurate while at other times are incredibly far off. We’ll see what happens today!

Looking back over the last year here’s our journey of expectation as best I’m able to remember or capture it…

  • When my only symptom was drop foot I assumed I had a strained ligament or something of that nature. I didn’t even tell Jess ’cause I genuinely assumed it was nothing. Eventually when I saw the doctor she was baffled regarding what was wrong (because of m lack of other symptoms at the time) and ordered an MRI just ‘because’
  • Once other symptoms developed (namely some constant back pain and some leg numbness) I went into the chiropractor to get it worked out. I remember my mom and my wife trying to massage the points of pain in my back…turns out you can’t massage away a tumor…I don’t think!
  • At my first MRI, done at a second rate little storefront office, they stopped the scan halfway through because there was a ‘bundle of nerves’ that they needed a better look at. They sent me to Clackamas to a stronger MRI machine to take a better look. I had no concept whatsoever what a ‘bundle of nerves’ meant or could mean and the idea of a tumor was still not in my mind.
  • While it was supposed to take a few days to a week to get the results back, I got a call that night saying I needed to meet my doctor the next morning. At this point it finally sunk in that something more serious was up. The doctor shared with me that I had a tumor in my back but that she didn’t know much else ’cause it wasn’t her specialty.
  • It was not until a few days later that we discovered that the tumor was, in fact, encased inside my spinal cord. We learned that it could be one of three types: a benign and self-encapsulated tumor (90% sure that it was this one), a cancerous tumor that was self-encapsulated and easy to remove (9% chance of this one), or that which we don’t speak of (no seriously, this last option was so bad and so rare that they saw no point in talking about it). So at this point I anticipated going into surgery and coming out tumor free. Cancer was not a part of the story.
  • Post surgery I discovered that the tumor was most likely benign but it was not self-encapsulated and therefore impossible to completely remove. My friend made me a shirt that said “Still got it!” In my mind cancer was still not a part of the story.
  • Only a few days before we left the hospital that the surgeon sat down with us and told us that I had cancer. We had no idea how bad the cancer was, but for the first time I realized that cancer was a part of my story.
  • Waiting for pathology reports was a frustrating experience. Turns out its more of an art than it is a simple science experiment or test. The first pathology report tests said that I had a stage four astrocytoma (a glioblastoma or GBM). I knew this was bad but I’m not sure it sunk in how bad of a cancer this was.
  • My first post surgery MRI revealed no tumor growth or metastasization. I remember being very excited abou this. 
  • A while later the Mayo Clinic changed their minds and downgraded me to a stage three cancer. Great news! At this point the expectation was that the daily radiation/chemo would get rid of the cancer completely but that it would return again sometime later…only to be killed again…so on and so forth.
  • Squiggles were found in my brain. We didn’t (don’t) know what this means, they also refer to them as ‘artifacts’ but essentially they’re two dimensional lines in my head that are not tumors and might be nothing…but they’re there. The brain surgeon isn’t worried…but one can’t help but think about the fact that they’re there.
  • The next MRI’s reveal that my tumor has grown. The original GBM (bad) diagnosis is reintroduced and affirmed as the more accurate cancer identification…crap.
  • Due to unmanageable back pain in December I went in for an emergency MRI that revealed some more slight tumor growth.
  • The next set of MRI’s were the worst. They revealed two new tumors in my spine. They’re tiny but they’re there. The immediate implications of this is that it further solidifies my GBM diagnosis and reveals the reality of what a GBM tumor can do (grow).

I’ve left out lots of pieces, lots of small parts of the story are missing due to my forgetfulness, or the fact that I’ve got to get my kids up so we can get them to school so that I can go get these damn test results so that I’ll have something to blog about later! (that last part was a joke…kind of).

It’s been a wild ride thus far. Personally I’ve found myself to have swung from genuine ignorance, to willful ignorance, to depressing awareness, to hopeful awareness, to numbness, to…well, to wherever I am now.

The tumor board should be finishing their meeting in about forty-five minutes to an hour from now. They could be looking at my new scans this very moment. I wonder what bullet point I’ll be adding to that list…

Back Pain and Back Scans…

My back has been hurting like hell lately. It always hurts worse during chemo treatments and then tends to slowly get better once I’m off the drug. But since last month (it’s been about exactly a month) my back has gotten progressively worse. It’s a combo of nerve pain from where the tumor is either growing and pushing on my nerves more (or where the inflammation surrounding the tumor is what’s pressing) and muscle pain caused by my back just being jacked up in general. Hence the reason I’m writing a blog at 3:45am. I’ve upped my Vicodin and my steroids in small increments to no avail at this point. The fear is that this is indicative of more rapid tumor growth…hopefully it’s just back pain right?

Today I go in for a CaT scan of my lungs. The hope is that there are no remaining complications from my pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) that I suffered back in July/August and that I can then be freed of my daily blood thinning medications. My last CAT scan was two months ago and showed that there were still some chunks remaining (my word, not theirs). The good news about having this test done is that I get to have steaming gravy poured down my body.


Oh, I absolutely love the contrast that they rapidly force in your IV before imaging ’cause it literally feels like hot chocolate is being poured through the insides of your body (in a good way, not in a burning way) to the point that you often feel like you’ve wet your pants. Some find it disconcerting…I find it delicious.

Moving on.

On Tuesday I will go in for my next set of MRI scans. These will be the most extensive scans I have had since post surgery. Usually they skip my neck area and only sometimes do my lower back. But due to the emergence of two new tumors in my last scans they decided it prudent to scan everything in case of the emergence of even more new spots.

The good news is that I will not have to wait long for any of these results because the monthly Vancouver tumor board is on Wednesday and we’ll meet with my oncologist immediately following that board gathering. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we lead up to that Wednesday morning appointment. Most of the MRI results have, in reality, been very ambiguous. There are really only three options that would tell us anything legitimate:

  1. Tumor shrinkage. If the tumors are smaller this would be epic and would be something to hold onto
  2. Massive tumor growth. If the tumors have grown in massive ways this would clearly be bad news.
  3. New tumor growth. If there are any new spots that did not previously exist this would be clearly bad news.

What, as it turns out, is not necessarily bad or good news is continued slight tumor growth (as has been the case in virtually every scan). One can assume that the tumors will be larger because either a.) they’re growing slightly because they’re a high level tumor that will never stop growing. Or b.) they’re growing slightly because there’s inflammation due to the fact that they’re successfully being attacked by chemotherapy drugs. So slight growth would be the result of either likely option and one cannot tell the difference between the two. In this instance we would just wait another two months for more clarity and continue to live in the constant ambiguity of not knowing.

Honestly at times I seriously wish that I’d know one way or the other. Do I have six months, six years, or sixty years. It would almost be refreshing in a way to know that I only had six months left because then it would give me a framework for how I should be functioning right now in life. At this stage in our journey I think both Jess and I would agree that the hardest thing is the constant and utterly crippling ambiguity. As nice as it might sound in a movie you cannot functionally live every day as your last. If I did I’d stop paying my school loan, I’d eat more greasy food, and I’d sacrifice time with others in order to be with my family (in my mind family includes both the biological and relational). Not knowing is horribly difficult and requires much…but that is what where we’ve been invited to live: in the mystery of the unknown.

Living in the mystery of not knowing is probably more of a gift than I am right now ready to accept. In six months I’ll probably write a blog about how we all live in this ambiguity–though we try to pretend otherwise…

But for now I’d love some answers!

Let you know on Wednesday.


Welcome Back!? Chemo, Surgery, Ambulances, Mangeld Toes, and More

We got back from Hawaii late Tuesday night. Wednesday was a whirlwind of excited (and jealous) kids. Thursday was filled with meetings, appointments, and general catching up.


Friday hit.

Friday morning Jess’ sister had surgery (second in a month). Friday night I started chemo. Friday night India got her toe smashed under my parents front door. Her and Jones were playing and chasing each other when next thing we knew India was outside screaming. From the window next to the front door my dad could see India laying flat on her back with her toe wedged in the shut door. The only thing we could think to do was to rip the door open. The girl was in pretty extreme pain and the toe was mangled to the extent that the four seasoned parents present were awkwardly shook up. To make a long story short, by Saturday and after a trip to the hospital (our wonderful medical care does not have urgent care nor are they able to do same day or, as it would seem, same week appointments), India’s toe was “simply” mangled and bone bruised but not broken (they don’t think).

Saturday and Sunday consisted of chemo, a housewarming party, our regular Sunday Community meal, Jess taking care of her post-surgery-sister, a kids birthday party, and India’s hospital visit for her toe.

Monday morning at about 8am as India was laying in bed something popped in her neck. She cried and screamed for about forty-five minutes and did not move her neck (literally) from that moment until this morning (Tuesday). Not knowing what happened nor the extent of the damage we were instructed by the advice nurse to not move her and that she needed to be seen by a doctor. So we called an ambulance. The paramedics were able to discern that it was most likely nothing having to do with the spine and was probably muscle pain. They were able to get her to wiggle her head just a bit, enough to give us confidence that she didn’t need to be shipped via an ambulance. We decided to give it some time, if it was just muscular in nature then we figured a kinked neck didn’t necessarily need hospital treatment. Then we started reading about tetanus symptoms (remember India had just had her toe shaved off by the metal flashing from a door and has not had a tetanus shot) and decided that maybe we should take her in! On the way to the ER we called our naturopath to get some advice and even though it was his day off he had us meet him at his clinic. At the clinic Dr. Zeff checked her out, gave her some magic homeopathic stuff, and ruled out tetanus. Still unable to move her neck and still in incredible pain we at least re-confirmed that it wasn’t some catastrophic bad thing. That night we took her into a chiropractor (he stayed after hours in order to treat her!) where he spent about an hour and a half working with her, helping her understand what was going on, and trying to help her remove some of the pain and gain back mobility. We couldn’t have been more impressed with him (we’ll see him again today).

The good news is that India woke up this morning with better movement, less pain, and more energy. Mom and dad on the other hand…woke up this morning exhausted and ready for a vacation. Hawaii anyone?

Here’s India’s take on the whole thing:

Once I hurt my toe it was so bad I cried and cried. And they had to lift the door up to get my toe out and pull it open and some of my skin pulled off. And umm once my neck got hurt as I was rolling in the blankets. And I thought it popped but it just automatically got hurt. The end.

Signing Off…for a time

Goodbye my friends, I’ll be leaving you for a week. I hope you survive without me…or more honestly I hope you’re around when I get back. Yes, that’s right, my wife and I are headed to Hawaii for a week! Thanks to Jess’ family we are being flown to Oahu for a full week of kid-free sun, sand, and relaxation. It couldn’t have come at a better time and we couldn’t be more excited.

It’s interesting how being sick (and everything that goes along with it) has both propelled Jessica and I toward each other and has made it more difficult to be close. In some ways we have greater closeness and intimacy now than we’ve ever had before while in other ways we are so consumed with the needs and necessities of life while simultaneously running on empty emotionally and physically that we have very little to give or share with each other. All that to say…Hawaii with my beautiful bride will be glorious and I’m choosing to not let blogging interrupt it (you don’t realize how genuinely hard this will be!).

So while I’m gone I’ll leave you with this glorious video: